Pinworm's 600w RDWC Horrorshow (WWxBB Mainlined - NL5xHaze, Purple Fire, Sour Diesel)


Well-Known Member
Well wellll well. Greetings citizens! How are we feeling on this glorious day? Just throwing double-whiskeys over with my neighbor Dobbs. She says I'm lame for not updating for a whole week. So, here's a snap from this morning, and a feeble description:

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Sour Diesel #3 is one leggy bitch. Has a good 6 inches on the others. Topped Purple Fire, and each Supreme Delight for 16 today, and did some gnarly rope work. Spent close to 2 hours on bondage today. I forgot the safe word, but I think that just turned them on even more. Flip is coming soon. 2-3 more weeks.


Getting my brain prepped for Punk Rock Karaoke Night. I'm totally going to drown myself in bourbon, until I'm good and loose, then I'll be "performing" my rendition of "Fix My Brain". Obligatory tipsy parasitic pub-crawl happy drinky fun show engage.
Looking super healthy man Glad to see you back was waiting for an update..:clap:


Welcome the fuck back Worm! You had me worried Bro! I have not seen any good bondage lately! You need to sport how you are mis-treatin' those little girls! : )

Just Me


Well-Known Member
Welcome the fuck back Worm! You had me worried Bro! I have not seen any good bondage lately! You need to sport how you are mis-treatin' those little girls! : )

Just Me
Good to see you too, brother. I'll get some S&M shots up this weekend.


Holyshit holyshit holyshit. Friend of mine just hooked me up with backstage vinyl. 3 month late B-day present. Last year I went to the one at the Wiltern in LA, and dislocated my knee after about 37 PBR's and a couple grams of Charlie Chan. I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do with the 2 tix I already had.

Who wants to come? Warfield in Frisco. Tix are free, and the first 10 rounds are on me.


Still too early for X-mas tracks? (Fucked Up Holiday Tracks )


Well-Known Member

Somebody should buy me one for Christmas. I'll feed him nothing but the finest fast foods, and only the most premium malt liquors...


Well-Known Member

2 1/2 pots of coffee later...Off to work - and my next misadventure!


Well-Known Member
Plants look great! Can't wait to see them flower. Just another two months to go before my next grow, so your girls are inspiration. I would have started in August, but I had some traveling planned in September and January…just not enough time to get a grow in from seed to jar. But soon!


Well-Known Member

Holy fucking shit, man. Feeling some affinity here. "I don't project my insecurities on other people. He fiended for props like addicts with pipes and needles. So, he felt he had to prove to everyone that he was evil. A feeble minded young man, with infinite potential. The product of a ghetto bred capitalistic mentality. Coincidentally dropped out of school to sell "weed". Dancing with the devil. Smoked until his eyes would bleed. But, he was sick of selling trees, and gave into his greed. Everyone's trying to be trife never faced the consequences, you probably didn't even do a month for minor offenses. Ask a motherfucker doing life, if he had another chance, but then again there's always the wicked that knew in advance. Dance forever with the devil on the cold cell block. But, that's what happens when you rape, murder, and sell rock. Devils used to be guards, angels that fell from the top. There's no diversity, because we're all burning in the melting pot..."

- These beats slap -


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;ZEBGCOCxLgA][/video]'re dicking around at the vending machines, trying to scarf those cheesey-burritos to survive, and then your buddy makes you listen to yet another hip-hop buttery gold lick....suddenly it hit....


Well-Known Member

Fools hear our verses and rewrite that shit they scribblin, bitches see my bitches and consider tryin women.

Curren$y goes hard. If youve got 15 minutes let that album play through. No one will be disappointed.


Well-Known Member

That's why I fucked your bitch, you fat mother fucker. Hahaha. Go axe your crew, hermboy...


Well-Known Member
I don't like that currency fella, just being honest, nothing out today in the hip hop community is something i'll put on.....this is why NPR is on my radio now... but i feel i grew up with the best, in the best decade of hip hop...



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....this is why i cant listen to todays rap....i seen the big dick cant go back to a small one hahahaha