Fourth grow and Doing a journal..... Pop in


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Well thats them down, that's a pain in the arse don't think I will be doing that to noisey but they do look very happy ......
The big bag got burn on one of its leaves could be the new nutes added or the light I think the light :|

The temps sitting pretty with that heater on full bung and the light 75c......
How long you thinking you will veg that BB? You mention it earlier? too lazy to look.


Well-Known Member
How long you thinking you will veg that BB? You mention it earlier? too lazy to look.
The Big bang mate ......

The Same time as the rest of them .... I don't no yet .... I will let you no when I think am ready to make that call , putting me on the spot ..... Man there only baby's still ... That's like saying to your kids right you hit 16 your out the door .........! ;)


Well-Known Member
Checked those plants in the flowering tent when I can in tonight, there still filling out bye the way, sweet might just be the 8 beer and that ..... But am sure they have filled out ..... :D

Edit: tonight ... To early mornig


Well-Known Member
If your in veg, you can keep your lights on 24/7.... My single 1000W MH stabilized the temps for me. I have a 4x4 room in my garage. Garage gets around 50f at night, 60f max in day. But my room always stays 75f-77f

Follow along with me on my first grow -
If your in veg, you can keep your lights on 24/7.... My single 1000W MH stabilized the temps for me. I have a 4x4 room in my garage. Garage gets around 50f at night, 60f max in day. But my room always stays 75f-77f

Follow along with me on my first grow -

Here... Am no answering that question ... (Am In Veg)

did is I write I was in flowering, hold on and I will check back .....

lazy bastard ;) x


Well-Known Member
Right am bored so I've thought about this ......

I am gonna guess the age of everyone that's put a comment on my page, might sound gay but it's amusing to me as I said am bored ..... Don't answer if I got it right ;)


Well-Known Member
Nice grow.

My next grow, I def want to start from seed and would like to keep them at 24hr light for the first few days. Do you think it made a big difference vs 18/6 right off the bat?

Tarmacs in his twenties, add say 27 ... And smoke joints like there going out of fashion :)


Well-Known Member
Crisp crunchy and Mcfreely are both about 35 ....... Ones got blond hair and the other black ....


Well-Known Member
Ok so that's me tired now good, canny beat guessing ages .... That counting sheep shit .....
I will update it don't worry your next ...!

Ps if you was offended good :) x


Well-Known Member
Right a sober post now, ano it's Saturday but I had enough last night.

In the flowering tent the temps are sitting at 24-26c lights on .....
Lights off temp is sitting about 18-20c......

Garry I was having a look at the picture of your topped plant you posted and I can't get over the size difference in your plants, defiantly the way to go get them under a Hps as soon as you can :)


Well-Known Member
Ha ha ha you seen that, thought I was a bit cheeky but I was well pissed mate .... Good excuse :hug:

well coming up with the name bushy Cushy your still young at heart I would say 32 and you wear glasses 8-)