Gay Marriage ...


Well-Known Member
ok talk to as in get to know you, date you maybe, pretty common saying in america nowadays, you say you are talking to a girl it means you are dating her basically but you arent boyfriend/girlfriend


Well-Known Member
Is it really possibly to buy 22lbs of chronic in S.A. with 100USD?
not in the city centre, earlier this year i bought 1lb for $100,
but in the growing areas, you probably can get it for that little
if u r well connected
but then you gotta run the gauntlet doncha?


Well-Known Member
dating her basically but you arent boyfriend/girlfriend
sorry that is just a contradiction. makes no sense to me.

in africa, you either fuck em, fall in love, get married,
or you get a gold digger who just wants to rob u.
(they're normally the hot little itches)


Well-Known Member
Running the gauntlets no prob... I just need someone that has an aircraft big enough... where are my scudrunners at?! Hahaha.


Well-Known Member
like you go on dates with the person, you know get to know each other, but you arent really boyfriend/girlfriend as you arent committed to one another and it is perfectly acceptable to see other people at this point until you are boyfriend/girlfriend at which point you have made a commitment to one another....understand?


Well-Known Member

u c
it just sounds like she is messing with your brain,
either she wants a shag
or she wants a slutty six month shagathon (fall in love in girl talk)
or she wants to shack up and have babies
or she is trying to scam u.

i always thort u americans had it waxed with the baseball analogy,
u know
1st base is above the shoulders
2nd base is above the navel
and 3rd bas is everything else that is not
a home run

where does this fit in? r u stepping up to the plate yet?
swung an missed a few?
u're just in the dugout to look cool?

it just does not compute with my 'village idiot' way of thinking like a 'fruit loop'


Well-Known Member
I've been doing quite a bit of researching on this topic and I have found a few things to be quite interesting.

Recent survey's have concluded that if people were born in between 1946 - 1964, that these people are more than likely to disagree with the following:

Interracial relationships
Interracial marriage
Adults living together before marriage
Extramarital sex
Sexual Fantasies; sadomasochism, bondage

The same survey was performed on people who were born in between 1965 - 1983. They have found that more than 50% of these that were born in between these dates significantly differ from the people that were born in between 1946 - 1964.
For the people born in between 1965 - 1983, more 50% accept everything above.

The same survey was performed on people older than 18 years old that were born after 1984. They have found that more 75% of these people accept everything above.

I've brought this up because most of our politicians in congress have been born in between 1946 - 1964. Plus most of the people who actually take interest (Vote) in how our country is run, what laws get passed, and what gets banned were born in between 1946 - 1983.

Homosexuality and Gay marriage like anything else that has been a controversy amongst Americans will take time for people to accept it.

I do believe that in the next 8 years we will see a drastic change in America.
These drastic changes will make some good within the homosexual population, but I aslo beleive that these changes will affect our natual way of life.


Well-Known Member
damn your psychosis is beginning to remind me of my wife.
hey pix, nice to chat to u again

(or at least your evil twin)
(yes i know they're both evil)
What is it that causes you so much hatred against these people?,i dont know a bunch of gays but the few i do know are nice people,my wife is closer to being gay than she is straight & she's not a bad person,she wouldnt hurt a flea,before she got sick she was a school teacher for decades,she likes women very much but she never chased school girls around the locker room or lured them with candy.

I'd think that comming from a country such as the one you live in,a country that has dealt with so much hatred & violence that you'd of had enough of that shit & wish all people well.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Panhead he's incapable of learning...but go ahead and try....btw, I hope your wife is feeling better.
What is it that causes you so much hatred against these people?,i dont know a bunch of gays but the few i do know are nice people,my wife is closer to being gay than she is straight & she's not a bad person,she wouldnt hurt a flea,before she got sick she was a school teacher for decades,she likes women very much but she never chased school girls around the locker room or lured them with candy.

I'd think that comming from a country such as the one you live in,a country that has dealt with so much hatred & violence that you'd of had enough of that shit & wish all people well.


Well-Known Member
.btw, I hope your wife is feeling better.
Thank you for your concern stoney,today is a good day for her,they have her taking injections every other day now to keep her from relapsing,she's still weak & the dizzy spells still come & go but the loss of equlibruim is getting a bit better with the injections.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
It's hard to watch someone you love in pain.
Thank you for your concern stoney,today is a good day for her,they have her taking injections every other day now to keep her from relapsing,she's still weak & the dizzy spells still come & go but the loss of equlibruim is getting a bit better with the injections.


Well-Known Member
What is it that causes you so much hatred against these people?,i dont know a bunch of gays but the few i do know are nice people,my wife is closer to being gay than she is straight & she's not a bad person,she wouldnt hurt a flea,before she got sick she was a school teacher for decades,she likes women very much but she never chased school girls around the locker room or lured them with candy.

I'd think that comming from a country such as the one you live in,a country that has dealt with so much hatred & violence that you'd of had enough of that shit & wish all people well.
if i had to start listing the number of PHYSICAL and other offenses committed against me by these people, i would not be able to control my anger. (i have a notebook that reached 300 issues, but there were just so much, i gave it up 4 a while. ok?)

a country that has dealt with so much hatred & violence that you'd of had enough of that shit & wish all people well
the only reason my country nearly destroyed itself was bcos people just live in a world where they do not care about the damage that psychopaths do. they just let pathological and corrupt people run amock without stopping them

see thabo mbekis approach to zimababwe for eg

if you r complacent with fools, they corrupt and destroy the economy with their greed. never mind the number of times in academia where it was insinuated that if i wanted to pass or do well, i would have to snuggle up to the faggot teacher bcos 'u will understand the maths better if you were a little closer'

bsc down the drain

you cannot just love a murderer and make him into a nice person.

if i started listing the offences i could fill up an entire novel.

and no gay person has ever treated me with respect. for a long time i tolerated it until the gay lawyer said...

"i can see u have a case for murder, but u're just not important enough"

he then went on to suggest that gay marriage was in.

here i am trying to find justice, i've pinned at LEAST 3 murders on David Charles Herbst formerly of Westville Durban, now in Auckland nz,

and this faggot wants me to let him roger me in exchange for court justice.

how would u react to this?
as much as i feel for lesbians and their suffering they are man-haters. sooner or later u will find out what i'm talking about.

here is the full story. 35000 words written in 3 days.
Reality Literature -- -- Free Online South African Literature by Jonathan Bain.
how would u react to seeing the most precious person in the world degenerate into a blithering psychopath bcos her father murdered her grandparents?

and then be told bend over and get sodomised in exchange for justice?

the lawyer is George Schultz (gee a german y am i not surprised?)
of LExicon attorneys port elizabeth, just in case anyone out therre sympathises with me, and is feeling trigger happy.


Well-Known Member
if i had to start listing the number of PHYSICAL and other offenses committed against me by these people, i would not be able to control my anger. (i have a notebook that reached 300 issues, but there were just so much, i gave it up 4 a while. ok?)

the only reason my country nearly destroyed itself was bcos people just live in a world where they do not care about the damage that psychopaths do. they just let pathological and corrupt people run amock without stopping them

see thabo mbekis approach to zimababwe for eg

if you r complacent with fools, they corrupt and destroy the economy with their greed. never mind the number of times in academia where it was insinuated that if i wanted to pass or do well, i would have to snuggle up to the faggot teacher bcos 'u will understand the maths better if you were a little closer'

bsc down the drain

you cannot just love a murderer and make him into a nice person.

if i started listing the offences i could fill up an entire novel.

and no gay person has ever treated me with respect. for a long time i tolerated it until the gay lawyer said...

"i can see u have a case for murder, but u're just not important enough"

he then went on to suggest that gay marriage was in.

here i am trying to find justice, i've pinned at LEAST 3 murders on David Charles Herbst formerly of Westville Durban, now in Auckland nz,

and this faggot wants me to let him roger me in exchange for court justice.

how would u react to this?
as much as i feel for lesbians and their suffering they are man-haters. sooner or later u will find out what i'm talking about.

here is the full story. 35000 words written in 3 days.
Reality Literature -- -- Free Online South African Literature by Jonathan Bain.
how would u react to seeing the most precious person in the world degenerate into a blithering psychopath bcos her father murdered her grandparents?

and then be told bend over and get sodomised in exchange for justice?

the lawyer is George Schultz (gee a german y am i not surprised?)
of LExicon attorneys port elizabeth, just in case anyone out therre sympathises with me, and is feeling trigger happy.
Ok poseidon,put the bouncy ball down & come with us,your over due for your medicine :shock:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Idiot, I'm straight.And you, my friend, are a paranoid schizophrenic. Schizophrenia Information on Healthline
if i had to start listing the number of PHYSICAL and other offenses committed against me by these people, i would not be able to control my anger. (i have a notebook that reached 300 issues, but there were just so much, i gave it up 4 a while. ok?)

the only reason my country nearly destroyed itself was bcos people just live in a world where they do not care about the damage that psychopaths do. they just let pathological and corrupt people run amock without stopping them

see thabo mbekis approach to zimababwe for eg

if you r complacent with fools, they corrupt and destroy the economy with their greed. never mind the number of times in academia where it was insinuated that if i wanted to pass or do well, i would have to snuggle up to the faggot teacher bcos 'u will understand the maths better if you were a little closer'

bsc down the drain

you cannot just love a murderer and make him into a nice person.

if i started listing the offences i could fill up an entire novel.

and no gay person has ever treated me with respect. for a long time i tolerated it until the gay lawyer said...

"i can see u have a case for murder, but u're just not important enough"

he then went on to suggest that gay marriage was in.

here i am trying to find justice, i've pinned at LEAST 3 murders on David Charles Herbst formerly of Westville Durban, now in Auckland nz,

and this faggot wants me to let him roger me in exchange for court justice.

how would u react to this?
as much as i feel for lesbians and their suffering they are man-haters. sooner or later u will find out what i'm talking about.

here is the full story. 35000 words written in 3 days.
Reality Literature -- -- Free Online South African Literature by Jonathan Bain.
how would u react to seeing the most precious person in the world degenerate into a blithering psychopath bcos her father murdered her grandparents?

and then be told bend over and get sodomised in exchange for justice?

the lawyer is George Schultz (gee a german y am i not surprised?)
of LExicon attorneys port elizabeth, just in case anyone out therre sympathises with me, and is feeling trigger happy.