Identity and Guidance Please


New Member
This is my only plant. I threw a seed in the pot and it came out a female and this is what has flourished. Outdoor. Can someone please point me in the right direction as to stage and what to do next?

Only thing I had been doing is spraying with bloom with phosphorus at the advice of someone, but not sure what that is doing.

Any and all assistance greatly appreciated.

**As well can someone tell the strain.

Thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
I cant help with the strain only the species. looks like a sat dom strain. nice bud for your first grow that you grew with reckless abandon. don't spray nutes on leaves cuz they really don't help and it messes up the buds. plus rep for being so darned lucky while we all struggle through our own grows.


Well-Known Member
Wow that's a good looking lady you have there! Doesn't seem like you are doing anything wrong! Keep watering with the bloom! By spray do you mean foliage feeding? Or in the soil? I've never foliage fed my plants. But as far as strain, it's hard to tell but by the lead shape, looks like you have a sari a dominant strain, could be wrong but they are skinny lanky leaves. Looks awesome though! Keep it up and do it again next year!


New Member
I watered the soil once and then just did the foliage feeding (or spraying it with a water bottle , if thats what you mean.LOL) about every other day


Active Member
It looks a lot like a South American sativa..

~ The best advice at this point is to prevent any light from poisoning the plant at night. Make sure you don't leave a porch light on or something, that could fug it up...

~ Also, make sure you are not spraying the flowers with fertilizer. If you plan on ingesting the plant, I would not want any of that shit on the flowers. The nutrients are suppose to come from the soil at this point in the plants life. (bloom).

~ Make sure you are not allowing the flowers to become moist, especially at night. Do not let it get rained on, it will mold.

~ Make sure your night-time temperatures do not fall below 35f, below 30f will kill your plant in one night.

Hope this helps.. :weed:
This is my only plant. I threw a seed in the pot and it came out a female and this is what has flourished. Outdoor. Can someone please point me in the right direction as to stage and what to do next?

Only thing I had been doing is spraying with bloom with phosphorus at the advice of someone, but not sure what that is doing.

Any and all assistance greatly appreciated.

**As well can someone tell the strain.

Thanks in advance
So you just put a seed there and you get that…… not fair with many other growers…. Nice looking lady you got there, you probably got a sativa there so you should expect some mental high! Keep it up and dont spray her with the nutrients but rather with plain water, use the nutrients for the soil. You are basically feeding a kid by putting the food on his head :eyesmoke: cheers and I wont wish you luck because I can see it is already on your side.


New Member
Appreciate the comment - question. When will be best to water and how often. I have been told to do it when sun goes down but last thing I would want is mold


Active Member
Appreciate the comment - question. When will be best to water and how often. I have been told to do it when sun goes down but last thing I would want is mold

watering in the morning is best, this gets the plant started and ready to grow with the sun!. :) often? that depends on the plant, the environment, and the soil. I would say, let the soil dry until the pot gets noticeably lighter. Usually, if you were to let the plant get a little too dry, you can always water it and within 1 hour, it will be back to normal again. Too wet sux because the plant cannot absorb all the nutrients, too dry = death. The soil can probably lose 80% of it's weight and I think the plant will still be alive. Thats how it is for me..

advice? ..dont keep the soil so it is constantly wet, let it dry a little but not bone-dry. Cheers! :weed: