what is a reputation comment?


Well-Known Member
The green bar relates to the amount of reputation received from other growers relating to posts of yours.

It is a kind of "like" function.

Generally the more rep (green bar) the more experienced the growers skill level.

But looks can be deceiving as rep can be given for anything. Its up to the giver as to why they've given it to you.



Well-Known Member
just like it says and why do I still only have one green bar under my name I see so many others with many more what does it mean?
...if you look to the bottom of your 'My RIU' page you'll be able to read those reputation comments that jondamon was talking about, those that you have received from others and those you have written to others will both be listed there.

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
It is a one-stop glance at who has been around and posted a fair amount. Still not a great gauge though, but as you're around longer, you'll start realizing who the quality members are.

Also, the more rep you have, the more rep you can give.



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't give the Rep a second thought. Personally means nothing to me.
.....and that from one with a rep beyond repute... :)

This fellow and others here really know their shit. The rep does reflect that ( in most cases anyway) When you ask a question, its best to see a consensus build on whatever it is you want to know. Thats how you can get the best information.


Well-Known Member
I kinda like it. Makes me feel good to get them, so I try to act in a reputable way, unless I'm out of weed, at which point I become quite a dick.