We do grow in HS


Well-Known Member
That dude knows his shit. a lot of people don't like him because he can be abrasive to people that challenge him without any knowledge themselves but he has the science to back up his claims. Reading debates on flushing between him and people is usually good for a laugh.
Flushing is a real thing...just like vacuoles are real...I love his argument plants arnt radiators and don't hold nutes...he is right plants are much more complex than radiators! Ill keep flushing until I don't notice a difference In the end product
edit: I prolly shouldn't mention this...but iv be suspecting unflushed material might also account for some of the dark colored BHO...


Well-Known Member
NOOOOOoooOOOooooOO not another flush debate!!!! Not on HS man! no way! go over to any other forum with that jive!


Well-Known Member
lol... we only suggest things here...but everyone grows correctly in HS...trust me... you don't want to get a acid head started on a grow debate...it won't end well for anyone. LOL whatever that means...


Well-Known Member
thanks Duck....cfls did me well...im phasing out of them and into led as I can afford too...picked up an advanced led diamond series a couple weeks ago n will grab another after xmas n thatll b the end of my cfl days...awesome and affordable way to start out tho...u can do well w.cfls if u put the time n effort into it n get a lil creative...im in love w my new light tho n so are my plants..heat is no longer an issue n they cover quite well...View attachment 2878502View attachment 2878503....
plus that purple lites cool as shit...haha
Great looking plants from using CFL's at least you showed folks what's possible to do with them.You going to LED's hey you are moving on/upward ..Have a great holiday season...Peace always..:joint::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
lol... we only suggest things here...but everyone grows correctly in HS...trust me... you don't want to get a acid head started on a grow debate...it won't end well for anyone. LOL whatever that means...
Idk man. I say to what works for you. I don't flush but I don't feed heavily either.


Well-Known Member
This my bros garden, Cinderella99 and Power Africa, btw power africa one of the best strains iv seen, like skunk#1 but the high is more well rounded, worth the $$ since seedsman dosent feel the need to charge 10$ a seed...didnt mean to shit on this thread , but it happens



Well-Known Member
Power Africa sounds nice. Whose Durban was the parent?
Your boy needs to work on his canopy management. And feed more N. Way too early in flower to be losing leaves like that IMO.


Well-Known Member
For sure, I tell dude keep the veg food heavy well into week2 flower, but people are gonna do what they feel best =/..but to be fair both the PA and C99 are pains in the ass to grow, sensitive sativas, u know how it is


Well-Known Member
I understand why people use straight water for 2 weeks before chop or whatever, but the whole putting it in a bath tub and running gallons of water through it? That is just retarded and shows a massive lack of basic botany.


Well-Known Member
I don't know bout drowing plants in the bath tub..but I do know flushing is a sensitive subject for some...but way I see it, yes plant cells store nutriens, so what can we do about it.. Flushing to force the plant to use whats stored seems like the obvious answer, but again I'm fairly open minded to all options...but if the best argument made is "you can't flush outdoor plants so it must not be nessicary" I say, any moron will tell indoor is better than outdoor cause growers can control more of the elements...


Well-Known Member
Why can't you flush outdoor plants? As long as they are in pots and you're not using something like sub's supersoil you should be able to just water the last few weeks unless I'm missing something? And like I said I get why people believe in flushing, I just personally don't believe the science behind it, and I am a skeptic (some say pessimist) at heart.


Well-Known Member
IMO, the whole flushing argument is pointless because it is such an objective qualifier. Flushing is purported to do 2 things, first make the ash white (whatever the fuck that means about quality), and most importantly it imparts "smoothness". Smoothness is such an objective term as to make it almost meaningless. For instance, I love hot peppers. I dice up a habanero when I make mac and cheese, while I know people that consider Frank's to be ungodly hot. It's all just personal opinion, and I encourage people to try both sides, I just personally notice no difference and feel that you are depriving the plant of essential nutrients at a key stage in the plants life. The last 2 weeks is the swell after all, and I think a proper dry and cure will make a smoother smoke than any amount of flushing. To each his own though.


Well-Known Member
it is all personal preference, and maybe with a longer cure the leftover shit in the "unflushed" stuff will break down and become unnoticeable...but i defiantly notice a difference when lookin at stuff a month off the plant flushed/unflushed, and not to mention people give me shit for bad stuff...buuut whatever i dont want to argue just my 2cent on the matter