We do grow in HS


Well-Known Member
Latticed bacon is always good.

I try to feed enough to keep plants growing vigorously but no more. I can't wait to go back to a recirculating hydro system so I can monitor the res to make sure they're getting exactly what they want pretty much in real time. Feeding more actually stresses the plant because they need to use energy to absorb water. Overfed plants need flushing.
I do leech my medium by running 2-3x the volume of the pot through it periodically and then doing a normal feed. But that's about preventing salt buildup. I guess if you don't do that you should flush as well.


Well-Known Member
still on the flushing.....man.....that is not how plants work. Flushing= nothing. hey that rhymes.... seriously though... Everyone says they 'feed' their plants.... reality is plants make their own food. .....I refer everyone to the countless threads on Advanced Growing for more flushing info.... either you believe UB or you don't I guess.... he will tell you , though, that his knowledge is backed by University.


Well-Known Member
I think some flush 'in case' .in case they overfed..I've smoked some weed that when burned,cracked and popped like a sparkler..def had too much fertilizer...


Well-Known Member
Doctor Doom. you want shit handled? lol... I can not believe people use this shit up till day of harvest.... fuck man. powerful.

is it weird if i feel compassion for spider mites? i think i was one in a previous life


Well-Known Member
Let ub follow the directions on fox farm..its organic and makes pot crackle..my friend used it per directions and grew the crappiest 'pretendica' ever..looked ok when harvested but plant was burnt up and smoked like a nugget of magnesium!
I've read through his threads,he's got sound advice and knowledge,and shitty advice and knowledge at the same time..everyone has their own way of course..I prefer unlce rorys! Lol..and I'm sure I'm doing 300 things wrong also..but all that's null and void when I get my head right on dank that oozes goo like a 4$ hooker...stickier than cranberry relish!! WHOOP!..DAB TIME!


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube_share;8vLlpJc9mW0]http://youtu.be/8vLlpJc9mW0[/video] I wha wha wonder what benny and the jets think of this? What COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION MY LIFE HAS TAKEN IN THE LAST 36 HOURS! Wow is all i can say and cough obviously WAY overdue! ohhhhhhhh but im soooo spaced out!


Well-Known Member
i dare you to post that one UBs Gardening Pointers thread....i double dog dare you ^^^^
Pretty sure that he's even posited the practice originates with people trying to compensate for overfeeding. Also if I was going to troll him I wouldn't be arguing about plants with him.


Well-Known Member
I've got a digital ec/ph/ppm meter from my friends unused tent setup..I'm no stranger to hydro..my partner is tho..I gotta make it simple for him...


Well-Known Member
I don't check the PH anymore... i use to ...had a 80$ pen and shit...I don't fuck with it , my plants look fucking great too


Well-Known Member
In a well buffered medium like limed soil its not very important. In DWC you've got your nutrients and whatever started in your water.