Two plants from one seed?


Active Member
I started a SH bubbleponics grow and 5 of the 6 sprouted and are about a week old now. All four corners are white widow and the one in the center is some nice bag seed. One of the white widows is growing a second little plant though. How did this happen?



Well-Known Member
i don't know but that's pretty cool! you should let that puppy grow and keep us informed and see what happens! just a suggestion?


Active Member
I started a SH bubbleponics grow and 5 of the 6 sprouted and are about a week old now. All four corners are white widow and the one in the center is some nice bag seed. One of the white widows is growing a second little plant though. How did this happen?
One of my string bean plants did that the other day. What I think happened is when the seedling started to sprout through out the rock wool the stem broke and a new root system started which created a new plant.



Well-Known Member
Thats not a new plant really, it happens rarely with MJ but it does happen in that a root can form a second plant, linked to the origanal but with a new stem. It can actually be a very bad thing in that it leaches the strength of the origanal plant and stunts it's growth. Clip it!


Active Member
I have three plants starting to do this, in fact one plant has two shoots growing from the main plant. From the prev post, I should kill them ASAP.


Active Member
I planted one seed as a start to my growing career ;) just to see how it goes....and after my plant was about 6 inches tall it sprouted another plant strait from the i waited a few days and decided to transplant the taller plant into the bigger pot....boy was i surprised to see that the second plant wasnt even connected to the larger, i dont know how this happened but i think it may have something to do with when i accidently knocked over the pot a while back perhaps causing a root cluster to break off and sprout another plant?...but anyways so i transplanted the bigger one and im elaving the smaller second sprout in the small pot to see if it grows good...if not ill trash it but at the moment thy both seem to be doing i dont know maybe try this but it is kind of dangerous :P
