New to indica growing need a moment of your time!


New Member
Can anyone please tell me what this is growing from my main stem. I have a decent amount of exp from indoor sativa but idica is brand new to me. Its been is in flowing for about a month and it looks to be a girl but idk if that's a bud or what


Well-Known Member
At one month of flowering you should be able to tell easily unless you are doing 12/12 from seed. give it another week or two and you should be able to tell.


New Member
At one month of flowering you should be able to tell easily unless you are doing 12/12 from seed. give it another week or two and you should be able to tell.
I didn't veg all that long because space was an issue, maybe a month or so. its just weird because I can see where new leaves are coming through but then this nice little cluster is just sitting there right in the middle.


Well-Known Member
a month veg that thing should be well into flower and crowning???? something is up, only thing i can figure is light leaks???

are you counting this month of veg during 12/12?? or did you veg for a month and its been under 12/12 for another month because if it is the second it has nothing to do with indica or sativa, you would know a bud when you see a bud and i do not even see a lone pistil on that plant so IMO it looks like it is still vegging, strange.


New Member
Im gunna have to disagree only because its a closet grow and doors are always shut when its in dark period I even keep a blanket under the cracks of the door to prevent this.


New Member
Great bro, thanks for the sarcasm. I was simply explaining my situation. Like I stated earlier I've nailed sativa strains so I'm not a moron.


Well-Known Member
you ask for answers and 2 people give you one but you don't like it so instead of being receptive you out right tell us nope you know better.
For you to even say you have nailed a sativa yet your asking a ridiculous question like your growing some completely different plant that looks that much different you wouldn't be able to notice it was budding.
Like i said enjoy your smoke and maybe stick to your supposed sativas because that thing hasn't started to flower yet and at this rate you will have the first 40 week strain in history.

oh heres a og kush at the beginning of week 5 for reference so right around where yours is right???


Well-Known Member
and i apologize for being a dik but so often people ask for answers but then when they get one they don't like it. Now this may not have been how you intended to come off and i just took it that way.

really i wish everyone the best in their grows so i hope you find whatever it is that is keeping your plant from budding. Check your air circulation, are you getting fresh air in? See you plug the door up and it may prevent exchange of air.


New Member
yea generally around that time frame but my point was that Ive always believed that light leaks cause hermies which is not the case as i do have pistols at the node sights


New Member
and i wasn't trying to be a dick at all just looking for other situations.and yes its getting air in because i have a air purifier in there to circulate


Active Member
Look for 4 weeks in 12/12 that thing looks like shit and as these other guys have said you've got something wrong going on. At 4 weeks with the strain I am running right now would have masses of flowering bud sites all over the plant.


Well-Known Member
that thing in the middle is bud, mine is pure indica and she had smthn like that at the start of flowering too, heres a pic


New Member
Thank you nova for being the only person to actually answer my question. I think its safe to say every strain differs and does its own thing and for a bag seed I'm pretty happy so far. I'm seriously gunna look back at most of these posts n lmfao when I have some nice homegrown to burn.