She had to change your diaper, huh?get your mom to do it with her teeth, she unzipped my pants no problem
Really? And you thought this rude, juvenile contribution necessary because...?get your mom to do it with her teeth, she unzipped my pants no problem
Really? And you thought this rude, juvenile contribution necessary because...?
The zipper on my grow tent used to get stuck in certain areas in a similar fashion, especially where the fabric overlapped. All I had to do to get it unstuck was pull the zipper back and remove what was jamming it. Some occasions were more difficult than others, but now the tent is broken in and this has not occurred.
I found this, can someone tell me what i should do with it, where does it go.
Why iz you no like ?Seriously you troll, just go away. You're of no use to this thread. I was simply asking for a method to pull the canvas out of the zipper and got my helpful answer. Leave me alone troll.
Humm... that's a good trick...The people on this forum are so unbelievably rude and immature.
Some of us Blow...The people on this forum suck.