The Nostalgic Toy Thread...


Well-Known Member
Since Christmas is just about 24 days away.. why not see what we use to think was cool...

My family was at my folks house in WA for turkeyday and my lil brother sent out an email about some toys he had as a kid.. (lots of colorforms and ghostbuster crap)

We had a thread like this while ago.. but new members = new toys...

To quickly hot link an image find the image on the web you want.. right click copy image go to RIU where you post a reply click there hit paste... (the bear showed me this.. I think)

had both of these.. Heard the monster's head fetched like 5k on pawn stars..

Ok I never owned one... but had friends who did and this was simply the toy to have as kid back then

I failed to read the instructions and ended up mixing crap together to see if I could make it go boom



Well-Known Member
These are what I still have(without the layout b/c my plants take up all extra space:mrgreen:), dad handed them down...there were little pellets you placed into the stack for smoke.

Now they are worth a small fortune, very few complete sets remaining from the 1940's:


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I didn't get toys growing up, we were just told to get on our bikes or go in the garden and play. I remember loving it when babysitters came over because they'd bring funky modern board games. We just had monopoly and the likes.

My model trainset was probably my fav toy though. Had an awesome mallard that you could fill with "water" and it would steam, i'd then catch spiders the size of bic lighters and throw them on the track and systematically turn it into a very flat and very very dead spider :)

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
The thing I played with most as a kid was my dick, I mean if I had pictures from back then I would show you. A picture now would just be showing off.