Well-Known Member
So I'm huge on helping out the environment and reducing my impact on the world right now and I was wondering if any of you could give me some ideas on what more I can do. I do almost every conventional thing you can think of, so I'm hoping someone can give me some more off the wall ideas. Some of the major things I do so far:
- Turn off AC when I'm out and use ceiling fans to reduce stress on the AC unit, change filter every 90 days.
- Flush toilet every other time, place brick in tank to displace some of the water.
- Wash dishes in sink instead of dishwasher
- Wash clothes on cold/cold cycle, with Tide cold water energy saving detergent, full loads, during non-peak hours, etc.
- Dry clothes on the efficent setting, clean lint trap after every load, run during non-peak hours, etc. (unfortunately, drying using a clothesline is out of the question)
- Replaced all incandescent bulbs with CFLs, I use natural lighting whenever I can
- Use biodegradeable cleaners
- Recycle like a mofo
- Next time I go to Publix, I'm going to buy a bunch of those green bags
- Drive efficiently, buy gas at night, keep up on oil and filter changes, try not to let car idle for more than 30 seconds, tire pressure checked frequently, etc.
- Refrigerator and freezer set on efficient settings