The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
had to be done mate was the easiest thing to get back in my eyes, gutted i never brought more now tho as breezed thru the airport without a prob, never even checked my grinder which wa at top of my bag with some crystal in it from the bud i smoked, i thought they wud have taken that i even bought a cheapo grinder to take in case they did nab it off me, oh well this can be considered a trial run lmao until nxt time ;)


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmmm did ya use bubble bags? Or u got a silk screen or sum thin? I take it the trim was bones and ground up. I love hash man think its Cuz what I started on...the smell bring back memory's n shit fuckin love it
u got kids mate and u drive, u know them cheap sunscreens that they give away for the kids windows, its a very fine mesh i just double up with them and very dry trim over a glass plate = lots of pure golden keif, just put all that powder in the bottom of a cig wrapper nice and tight then compress it i just put it under me sofa leg then sit my fat arse on the sofa lol = pressed keif....


Well-Known Member
howdy mate

no spoons i aint hoping to no what with this wk, will be my xmas prezzie lmao i been staying away cause trying to stay of the grog and this thread is deffo a trigger point, u still got ya tin foil hat on? lol
No I took it off a few weeks back lol. Sounds like a nice prezzi pal lmao. yeah iv been cooling it down lately, knocked the beak on the head and stuff, started taking it was to regularly again. Gettin a grow back on before Christmas hopefully, keep me occupied lol.


Well-Known Member
had to be done mate was the easiest thing to get back in my eyes, gutted i never brought more now tho as breezed thru the airport without a prob, never even checked my grinder which wa at top of my bag with some crystal in it from the bud i smoked, i thought they wud have taken that i even bought a cheapo grinder to take in case they did nab it off me, oh well this can be considered a trial run lmao until nxt time ;)
i dunno bout now? but a few yr ago if caught in a UK airport with under ten G and no previous it was a 70quid fine n off you grow lol i aint been to the dam for many a year and for good reason bar the hash all the weed is no better alot of the time as you said your self far worse lol you brought better bluepit on a uk website than you did the dam???


Well-Known Member
No I took it off a few weeks back lol. Sounds like a nice prezzi pal lmao. yeah iv been cooling it down lately, knocked the beak on the head and stuff, started taking it was to regularly again. Gettin a grow back on before Christmas hopefully, keep me occupied lol.
that shit has gripped me a few times m8 its the nature of the beast lol i member yrs ago when i was hitting it very hard, i would sniff till i started having panic attacks then fucking call up drug help lines telling em how i need help but just let me do this next line lmao sad but a true story lmao quite a few times i threw g's out the window all wrapped of course in the sub concience mind of knowing i would go look for them in the morning.... didnt ever find many i threw tho lolol


Well-Known Member
Yehnif I can get a couple I'll try that rambs.....can't wait man will be a nice treat :) I'll press it with a glass bottle tho it gets it so creamy its unreal 3 presses its fookin sweet


Well-Known Member
Yehnif I can get a couple I'll try that rambs.....can't wait man will be a nice treat :) I'll press it with a glass bottle tho it gets it so creamy its unreal 3 presses its fookin sweet
that dry shift is just quick n easy bizz, u can do it with bubble bags too, aint saying it the best tho just the quickest to smoke n easy.


Well-Known Member
Yeh I'm a do that give it a whirl I bet it taste better aswell cuz u ain't losing terps in the water aye...the more you fold n press it it becomes more transparent lovely I can imagine dry to be better than usual.bubble


Well-Known Member
FUCKING GUTTED !!!!!!! dropped my hash off the table and b4 i cud even get up to get it the fucking dog had swallowed it cos it fell right nxt to him, s after all that all i got to smoke was my crystal, feel like cuttng the fucker open and getting my hash back !!! :(


Well-Known Member
i dont give a fuck, im pissed off i wanted to smoke that shit now, and i took a risk bringing it back and got fuck all for my troubles, the dog is lucky he's still allowed in the house


Well-Known Member
That's funny that Gaz feckin ell he seen the gap and took the fucker haha he gonna be smashed in 10 mins lmfao...I can imagine how fuming you are tho mate


Well-Known Member
words cant describe how angry i am m8 was ready for smashing shit up cos now ive no smoke till 2morro, the cunt can barely sit up now keeps swaying to the side but he wont lie down, just hope the cunt aint sick


Well-Known Member
I bet he don't wanna lie down this is the buzz off his life he wants to ride the fucker out the lucky bastard its a dogs life aye....wounded for ya mate tis very funny tho he'll be raidin the fridge next lol


Well-Known Member
he has made me and the wife laugh tho he's swaying about and now he's gathered all his toys and bones in a pile and running round the room with them 1 at a time, the fucker has lost the plot, he cant walk properly either he's lifting his legs higher than normal and it looks fucked up lmao, need to video this shit for youtube


Well-Known Member
Haha Yeh at least u got some entertainment out if it lol that video cud earn u some cash lmao stoned Rottie buzzin his the lucky fucker


Well-Known Member
tooo funny man, next time u will be stickin an oz up and keeping it for yourself rather than sharing it with the dog


Well-Known Member
Morning people :) keep having dreams of winning the lottery and spending the rest of my life alone in a big house with beauitful looking pussy lol maybe I should actually play the dam thing.
Bit pissed off that the gas man didnt visit yday. We cancelled our appointment anyway till after Xmas said we won't be in. Just gotta feeling they'll still fucking knock when they get to our road. Just hope noone accidently gets the door.


Well-Known Member
Lol that made me fucking laugh man. You seen the video of the people who sewed coke inside dogs to smuggle the stuff pretty harsh man.