We do grow in HS


Well-Known Member
Think about it this way, what if someone grew out 200 seeds to select that clone. That's a lot of work.
it is a lot of work..no doubt. however, i think the big issue is lack of regulation in this market. i just don't see how you can know what you're paying for..and you better believe scams will be pulled if people are shelling out tens of thousands.


Well-Known Member
HEy, that dude I mentioned is a real sleaze bag though... he is on RIU... if I say his name I will probably get banned or the message will be deleted.... he got mad at the Growers he was suppose to be working for.... the growers had valid points about him being really really flakey.... anyways, long story short they had a common spat. ONly thing is... dude from Apostleye care (spelled it wrong on purpose) used the mother fucking LA county sheriffs to have the people raided.... he tried to fucking deny the story only there is police record of him sharing video of the grow and statements.... I recommend looking it up and never giving this fuck head business... he is a big time strain breeder here on the west coast... a real black stain on the industry..

I tracked him down to some of his other web forums... same shit everywhere... the mods will back this guy up no matter what. they refuse to give the LA grower credibility even though there is proof he is a rat


Well-Known Member
never mind that paranoid talk here is my grow update....soryy I only have HPS.... i need to get some CFLs up in there too



Well-Known Member
it is a lot of work..no doubt. however, i think the big issue is lack of regulation in this market. i just don't see how you can know what you're paying for..and you better believe scams will be pulled if people are shelling out tens of thousands.
Oh absolutely. I owuld never lay out that kind of money without a provenance I was fucking certain of.


Well-Known Member
You can go to 'Cannabis Cup' or any of the other Cups and buy the winning genetics right there....and always for reasonable prices too.... ....I got Tangerine Dream the year it won...it was 80 for 5 I think..hermied over the summer....i had to clear the plants out of a house and let a 'friend' finish them.... the friend fucked the grow and then burned me for equipment....wow


Well-Known Member
Or..you can get the real deal for nada...id rather hit up friends that know I feel instead of someone backed by that damn dollar


Well-Known Member
Duck its a lot of work,granted..but when you have 1000's of seeds..30$ each!?!?
Hence why I haven't pulled the trigger yet. But that's also single seeds off attitude and soma is a pretty well respected breeder as far as I can see so I dunno. I paid ~16 for my Martian Mean Green seeds if I remember correctly and I'm giddy as a school girl to pop those.

You're all lucky you can get clones. I know one friend that grows, and he lives in Seattle. Who by the way are def winning the superbowl. I could care less about the game as the Bills are out but I love lime-green accents and I'm doing suckling pig this year wrapped in bacon. And Spaten Optimator is going to be on tap!


Well-Known Member
Duck its a lot of work,granted..but when you have 1000's of seeds..30$ each!?!?
It's not cheap but the results are worth it. Who is charging $30 a bean though? That's highway fucking robbery! Even for a true F1 of two separate worked lines I really don't see myself myself more than $20 each and I'd really have to want them!
If I was starting a commercial operation and wanted to select my own genetics I'd probably start with polyhybrid or F2 beans to maximize variety to increase the chances of finding something special. When you're popping that many beans even if the vast majority are mediocre you still have an extremely high chance of finding something special.

You can go to 'Cannabis Cup' or any of the other Cups and buy the winning genetics right there....and always for reasonable prices too.... ....I got Tangerine Dream the year it won...it was 80 for 5 I think..hermied over the summer....i had to clear the plants out of a house and let a 'friend' finish them.... the friend fucked the grow and then burned me for equipment....wow
You can buy siblings of the selected clone that won the cup. See the above point about even if most are mediocre you can find something amazing if you pop enough.
Bummer about your plants. I've been fucked out of equipment and genetics before. It's a true friend who will take in you plants and give you the finished product!


Well-Known Member
or like a magic fucking Leprechaun in my case....lol never been fortunate with my friends...except on RIU llol....my best friend for years joined the marines when we got out of high school....well, I caught his wife cheating on him with this tweaker dude. My friend and wife just had a kid and this dude was saying ,'No, its my kid"...so I fight this guy for talking shit....I get a black eye and I am pretty fucked up from the fight...( i think i would have won the fight but it got broken up because cops were coming) lol but he clearly got the best of me before it was broken up.... So i tell my friends parents and my friend when I see him..... dude never believed me. that was the end of our 'friendship'.... two years later he had to litterally catch his wife in bed with his sargent in his San Diego base home... he pulled the dude out of bed and really fucked him up bad...he got sent to the Brig for 90 days and dishonerably discharged... with friends like these....


Well-Known Member
What a douche sargent!!..ill fuck your wife and then when you fuck me up ill fuck your life up...fuck!!
Well,I consider my plants friends..they are allways there,they quietly listen,they don't cheat or lie to ya and if you tell them to shut up,they listen...


Well-Known Member
That is fucked up. Kicking a guy's ass for fucking your wife shouldn't be a crime. Fucking insanity that comes from people not being able to be honest with each other.


Well-Known Member
That is fucked up. Kicking a guy's ass for fucking your wife shouldn't be a crime. Fucking insanity that comes from people not being able to be honest with each other.
word. poor bastard. men are dumb as fuck when it comes to pussy. like retarded. Case and point look at our last CIA director


Well-Known Member
Even after you kick a dudes ass... then like 3 days go by and you are still fucking locked in jail. christ... talk about demons...

talk about your plenty talk about your ills, one man gathers what another man spills