Need a topping experts advice!!!


Well-Known Member
Beautiful lilroach! KISS is the way to go. I don't understand why people want to over complicate an easy process.

I had an lol moment when I saw an "advance nutrients" "study. fuckin a thats rich. ya a snake oil sales company conducting "studies".


Well-Known Member
I have nothing against "snake oil" other than the cost. I'm sure there's good stuff in there, but when one can go to a nursery and get a six month supply of essentially the same stuff for $ has to wonder.

I talked to my hydro-store hottie the other day and she confessed that she too uses Jack's on her plants. She tried to get Jack's in her store, but the owner refused because of the profit margin on all the products they sell would take a big hit.


Well-Known Member
same thing at the hydro store when I stopped in to grab some soil.

Worker goes, I too use Jacks when I asked why they didn't carry it. Could have saved money on shipping and gave them my patronage.

By the way, a successful grow is a healthy grow. That is my measuring stick


New Member
Both of you that responded to my post seem to think I was knocking your type of grow, and I assure you that I'm not.

On the other hand, neither of you gave any proof that your comments are based on anything other than your own viewpoints. Have you grown side-by-side a soil grow vs. coco or hydro? Is there a study you can link that proves your statements?

I'm sorry if I sound skeptical, I am not disagreeing with you, but one thing I've learned on here is not to take someone's say-so on anything. I didn't even trust Uncle Ben until I tried his suggestions.

I'm not trying to be a dick here.
Yes i have and it grew slower and i was not impressed. I explained it was probably a lot to do with the fact that it was a completely different grow style to me. Have you or pedo ben done side by side soil vs hydro grows or are you just regurgitating shit you read?


New Member
Also the AN ppl doing the study found most hydro nutes have too much P for cannabis. Are you saying their study is biased and full of shit as if this claim somehow sells more AN product and makes them more money?


Well-Known Member
Yes i have and it grew slower and i was not impressed. I explained it was probably a lot to do with the fact that it was a completely different grow style to me. Have you or pedo ben done side by side soil vs hydro grows or are you just regurgitating shit you read?
As I said in my original post that hydro was quicker better....I dunno....I guess if growing weed is a big source of income everyday counts. I grow as a hobby more than anything and really have no interest in plumbing, coolers, pumps, numerous meters, rocks, baskets, etc. etc.

So no, I have not done a side-by-side comparison just because I like how I grow now. I'm not sitting here saying my way is better than yours, I'm just saying I prefer keeping it simple. I am not regurgitating anything.


Well-Known Member
What's funny is that AN is simply repeating what has already been known for years. Cannabis isn't some mythical plant which hasn't been studied, and cultivated for centuries, not just for drug use.

If these were their findings, why are they selling products with the exact opposite npk levels? How many bottles?
Its simply a marketing gimmick, an attempt to be viewed as credible in the marketplace.


Active Member
Thanks to this thread I lolly-popped an already topped (several times during vegging) plant last night.
She has been in my flowering room for around 16 days.

I have 2x girls in my flowering room that are clones of this plant as well (busy with a different experiment with them, one is in sphagnum peat, the other in coco peat) and will not be topping or lollypopping them.
They have been in my flowering room for around 3 days.

Anyway, should be some interesting results in a few months :)

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I have nothing against "snake oil" other than the cost. I'm sure there's good stuff in there, but when one can go to a nursery and get a six month supply of essentially the same stuff for $ has to wonder.

I talked to my hydro-store hottie the other day and she confessed that she too uses Jack's on her plants. She tried to get Jack's in her store, but the owner refused because of the profit margin on all the products they sell would take a big hit.
Dats right, on both points. The Peters family and corp don't do sucker bets, AN and hydro stores wouldn't be in business without them.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
The only thing I like about lolly-popping is that it makes watering much easier. That's the only thing.
You know, there are some things in life that you don't do or try because you understand before hand the results. I mean, if you want to get yourself killed fly to Afghanistan and hold a Christian prayer revival in the heart of Kabul.


Well-Known Member
I've lollipopped in the past but no longer do so. if a plant]doesn't want something, it would get rid of it. Besides if I lollipopped my kush type strains I'd be losing valuable mugs.

see this ogk I just shot

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
What's funny is that AN is simply repeating what has already been known for years. Cannabis isn't some mythical plant which hasn't been studied, and cultivated for centuries, not just for drug use.

If these were their findings, why are they selling products with the exact opposite npk levels? How many bottles?
Its simply a marketing gimmick, an attempt to be viewed as credible in the marketplace.
It's all a marketing gimmick. Look at the Superthrive ads and hype claiming that the inclusion of Vitamin B1 (thiamine) helps with rooting. It does not. The claim is ONLY used for marketing. It has no real world affect. How many times have I seen all the cannabis snake oil bullshit with products that contain enzymes, vitamins, amino acids....this and that. But in this biz, there's sucker born ever minute. Might say with every new crop of newbs........ ;)


Well-Known Member
so true UB. In fact, I'd argue lolliping actually harms yield. For all the energy the plant put into the shoot, and to cut it off, causing the plant to divert energy to repair the cut point, I'd say it's a waste. When I did lollipop this cutting of OG, I had less in yield.


New Member
As I said in my original post that hydro was quicker better....I dunno....I guess if growing weed is a big source of income everyday counts. I grow as a hobby more than anything and really have no interest in plumbing, coolers, pumps, numerous meters, rocks, baskets, etc. etc.

So no, I have not done a side-by-side comparison just because I like how I grow now. I'm not sitting here saying my way is better than yours, I'm just saying I prefer keeping it simple. I am not regurgitating anything.

Well im just saying hydro is simple. Solving differential equations... writing a SQL query to mine data in enterpise DBs... hooking up a wiring harness in a modern car... baking a 7 layer red velvet cake... that is difficult. Adjusting ph is easy and something any idiot can accomplish in 20 seconds. Rocks baskets plumbing is not required. No more complicated than all the sphagnum pest moss dolomite lime coco bat guano upcanning dirt hauling earth tilling soil bullshit.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Well im just saying hydro is simple. Solving differential equations... writing a SQL query to mine data in enterpise DBs... hooking up a wiring harness in a modern car... baking a 7 layer red velvet cake... that is difficult. Adjusting ph is easy and something any idiot can accomplish in 20 seconds. Rocks baskets plumbing is not required. No more complicated than all the sphagnum pest moss dolomite lime coco bat guano upcanning dirt hauling earth tilling soil bullshit.
Heard your macho big mouth long enough along with your juvenile, stupid avatar and handle.

Lets see your stuff.


Well-Known Member
Well im just saying hydro is simple. Solving differential equations... writing a SQL query to mine data in enterpise DBs... hooking up a wiring harness in a modern car... baking a 7 layer red velvet cake... that is difficult. Adjusting ph is easy and something any idiot can accomplish in 20 seconds. Rocks baskets plumbing is not required. No more complicated than all the sphagnum pest moss dolomite lime coco bat guano upcanning dirt hauling earth tilling soil bullshit.
I shake my head when someone uses the "you think that's hard, look at all these unrelated hard things that are more difficult" as some sort of answer. It has no relevance in this discussion.

You keep thinking I'm attacking hydro.....I am not, and I'm not sure why you're defending this type of growing when I'm not challenging you.

Then you take the extremes of a soil grow and make it sound like that's what everyone faces when they use this medium for growing weed. I assure you that it's not. Put a seed in some soil and give it some water.....replenish spent nutrients when needed. If that's not KISS I don't know what is.


Well-Known Member
Try "defoliation" this method is proven to increase plant yields by 20-30%. try for information on subject. This is a proven method!!!!!
While I did see some nice plants on that site, the claim of 20-30% increase of yield wasn't proven as there was no side-by-side comparisons. I am of the no-defoliation bunch, but if I could see a real study backing up the claims I'm willing to keep an open mind.