Attn ALL Female Members of RIU

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New Member
I'm kidding
Geez...what kind of women do you think I am?:|
Actually don't answer that one

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
last night, my wife was laying in bed, in the dark. i went in and stood next to the bed and talked to her for a few minutes. i was gently holding her hand as we spoke of our day. i popped my nuts out and rubbed the back of her hand against them. she got mad.


Well-Known Member
last night, my wife was laying in bed, in the dark. i went in and stood next to the bed and talked to her for a few minutes. i was gently holding her hand as we spoke of our day. i popped my nuts out and rubbed the back of her hand against them. she got mad.
OHHOO MYYHYYY GOOHOOOODDD!!! :lol: :lol: I van't cufking type i'm lahguning so hard!!!

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
last night, my wife was laying in bed, in the dark. i went in and stood next to the bed and talked to her for a few minutes. i was gently holding her hand as we spoke of our day. i popped my nuts out and rubbed the back of her hand against them. she got mad.



Well-Known Member
Dude, she's gonna get HELLA pissed if she knows we're all laughing about it. I'd be so stoked if Dave did something like that.


Well-Known Member
according to some weird website that keeps polls on websites it claims that riu is about 50% females, I find that very hard to believe, I would think maybe 30%?

cant find the site now, I accidently find it sometimes while trying to get here :P
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