Best way to add Nitrogen to a Fox Farms Grow


I have a pretty vanilla fox farms grow going
FFOF big bloom, tiger and grow big, just flipped the lights yest

One of the plants is doing great but the other is starting to get less deep green and closer to a lime green.
Based on my research this is most likely a Nitrogen deficiency, I tried adding more grow big but the plant burns easily - what would be the best way to add a little Nitrogen?


New Member
i would say to give it a tea of bat guano high in nitrogen like mexican bat guano and its organic so it will most likely not burn your plant. i personally have never made tea but this year i will look into it. it doesn't seem that hard.


Well-Known Member
I'm not understanding the question- are you looking for a fert to add other than the ones you already bought? alfalfa meal is pretty good imo + has some growth hormones in it. bloodmeal is pretty good too.


1itsme - correct I'd like to stay on my current FF program but supplement some nitrogen to one of the plants


Well-Known Member
any of the three mentioned should work fine, or calcium nitrate. the grow big + the micro one + ph up should be fine for the whole grow tho afaik. never used ff but the npk 6-4-4 (Prob closer to 6-4-6 after ph up) should work fine. just need to be careful not to over do it.


Well-Known Member
I have a pretty vanilla fox farms grow going
FFOF big bloom, tiger and grow big, just flipped the lights yest

One of the plants is doing great but the other is starting to get less deep green and closer to a lime green.
Based on my research this is most likely a Nitrogen deficiency, I tried adding more grow big but the plant burns easily - what would be the best way to add a little Nitrogen?
Are you already full strength with the Grow Big?Foxfarms feeding schedule.jpg


Here's a better picture of the stem and leaf, this is the wors one I could find, majority look great but noticeably a shade lighter than the other plant which is still a deep green



Well-Known Member
those little spots look more like a calcium thing to me. did you add any lime to the soil?
afaik ffof adds oyster shell for buffering/calcium/mag, usually enough, but sometimes ppl get issues.
what pot size?


Well-Known Member
ok was just wondering, sometimes you go thru this whole thing with someone and find out they got their 3 ft plants in big gulp cups wondering why it looks funny.
I think based on known ffof calcium issues (sometimes), round dead spots, and the fact that neither your ff trio, or your tap water have any that it's calcium. dolomite lime should fix, but it takes a while.


Mix in 2ml./gal. of cal mag with your tap. Get ro-100 with upgraded kdf filter if you can cause your water report shows chloramine and flouride.


Soul synthetics Amino aid is good too but hella expensive. I used a sample of it and seemed like good stuff.


Thanks for all the help -- ordered up some hydro organically elements cal-n-mag, going to give it a whirl


Well-Known Member
He isn't going to listen! lol.

That's totally greenhouse grade calcium nitrate mixed in water though...

Really? 8-0-0 with 8% Ca? for QT 17.95 | GAL 49.95

Compare this to:

Greenhouse grade calcium nitrate is (15.5-0-0 + 19% Ca)

2.60 a pound, 7 dollars for 5 pounds.

One costs way way more with half the NPK ratings... or you could just get calcium nitrate.


that looks like calcium nitrate dissolved in water. it's cheaper without the water tho.