Marijuana use might lead to the formation of man boobs, Dr. Anthony Youn from Detroit says.
You'll be surprised to know that approximately 41 percent of men aged between 25 and 45 years suffer from a condition called gynecomastia, commonly known as man boobs or moobs. The condition is even more prominent during puberty when almost 61 percent boys aged 14 years suffer from the condition.So what causes gynecomastia? Dr. Anthony Youn, a plastic surgeon from Detroit found a "probable" answer to this question during a recent encounter with a patient,
reports CNN. Talking to the news channel about the event, Youn said that the patient came to him complaining about man boobs. When the doctor asked him when he noticed this problem, the patient replied it had been a while, though the condition worsened over the years.
During the conversation, Youn smelled marijuana on his breath, a familiar smell at rock concerts, and asked him whether he smoke pot and if so he should discontnue. The use of weed was a probable cause for his man boobs.
The mechanism behind marijuana use causing man boobs
Gynecomastia is caused due to a hormonal imbalance when the ratio between testosterone and estrogen tips in favor of estrogen. When this happens, the body begins creating excessive breast tissues, thus, forming man boobs. A previous study conducted on animals showed that active ingredients of marijuana decrease the production of testosterone in the body.