We do grow in HS


Well-Known Member
Well the dwc is doing ok.stellla blue has roots..a lot. Of roots otherwise...switched the water in a hurry...had little time to g.s.d...oh well...be back there tomorrrow night..shit never ends..lol..I have bad hiccups..this sucks.


Well-Known Member
I feel the dwc will take off soon..its gonna be COLD this next week.or so...enough I'm not worrying about the lights or a.c. for a few days...


Well-Known Member
A small tester nug mysteriously fell off my Green Poison yesterday and not being one to waste I gave her the old quick-dry and fired her up. Like two Mercury rocket booster engines lifted my brain clear into orbit and then slowly parachuted back down to Earth. Very impressed with what was a completely random purchase. I just needed 6 more bucks to get the next attitude freebie ha.


Well-Known Member
I feel the dwc will take off soon..its gonna be COLD this next week.or so...enough I'm not worrying about the lights or a.c. for a few days...
ya, I have been running a timer on the in-line fan form my lights...trying to tweak it in just right...15 minuts off and 45 seconds on seems to keep the room at a perfect 79. ...Then I have this little tiny heater that is the only support for the nightime...it has been getting down to 35 degrees at night too outside..... so my night temp in the grow tent is like 50 ...the plants love it. Have a big swing in day/night temp is amazing. It is called Thermoperiodism if you feel like doing a research on the process. Grape growers swear by it.


Well-Known Member
I have the exhaust for my lights hooked to my controller,so the heat from the lights is used as just that..if it gets above 75 then the fan comes on..that coupled with an a.c./heater duo,my temps stay perfect..humidity also..I also have the lights on at night to maximize this..my elecetric bill keeps dropping..I'm happy and so are my plants!! Especially since its sleeting/freezing rain..hmm..I need to get backup gas for my generator..


Well-Known Member
ya, I have been running a timer on the in-line fan form my lights...trying to tweak it in just right...15 minuts off and 45 seconds on seems to keep the room at a perfect 79. ...Then I have this little tiny heater that is the only support for the nightime...it has been getting down to 35 degrees at night too outside..... so my night temp in the grow tent is like 50 ...the plants love it. Have a big swing in day/night temp is amazing. It is called Thermoperiodism if you feel like doing a research on the process. Grape growers swear by it.
My experience is it causes issues with pot unless you have really large containers. Bear in mind with grapes you have root systems that can be 100+ years old and going down 50 feet.
Too cold of a res is just as bad as too hot in DWC. Hell I'd say you hit too cold faster than too hot as you move away from ideal. You can pump H2O2 into the res steadily if you need to on hot days.


Virtually Unknown Member
My experience is it causes issues with pot unless you have really large containers. Bear in mind with grapes you have root systems that can be 100+ years old and going down 50 feet.
Too cold of a res is just as bad as too hot in DWC. Hell I'd say you hit too cold faster than too hot as you move away from ideal. You can pump H2O2 into the res steadily if you need to on hot days.
I too thought I read that fluctuations in day/night was not desirable. have not researched it.


Well-Known Member

I have argued this point too much on other forums. I will just post this link and you guys can believe in science or not. LOL, I was in math class on Thursday and this girl says she wants to study water erosion. I said, 'OH ya, thats cool, I learned something about that on Discovery channel, I guess the sphinx is much much older than we originally thought.'.... To which my math teacher replies " Don't believe everything THEY tell you. Discovery channel makes stuff up. They use methods for dating that are not proven"

oh boy I thought.... like what? fucking carbon dating? That dude only won a Nobel prize. Oh, or water erosion?

obviously the man is a Christian and believes the earth is only 10,000 years old. What I have learned from my years is NEVER argue with a Christian about history or science. They are already brainwashed. Part of Brainwashing is when people argue your logic it only adds fuel to the fire of ignorance.

So with that being said. I recommend you research thermoperiodism. And from looking at some near harvest pics on here, and not to mention names, I highly recommend this sight as well. To clean up your yellowing issues at harvest time.

but hey to each his own ..right?


Well-Known Member
My plants get dark green and purpleish at harvest time...its the curse of the sphinx!...my plants were not bred or evolved...god made them that good..hahahaha....


Active Member
Nice plants! Is showing pics on this forum kinda taboo? I was going to post some pics of my mushroom grow.


Well-Known Member

I have argued this point too much on other forums. I will just post this link and you guys can believe in science or not. LOL, I was in math class on Thursday and this girl says she wants to study water erosion. I said, 'OH ya, thats cool, I learned something about that on Discovery channel, I guess the sphinx is much much older than we originally thought.'.... To which my math teacher replies " Don't believe everything THEY tell you. Discovery channel makes stuff up. They use methods for dating that are not proven"

oh boy I thought.... like what? fucking carbon dating? That dude only won a Nobel prize. Oh, or water erosion?

obviously the man is a Christian and believes the earth is only 10,000 years old. What I have learned from my years is NEVER argue with a Christian about history or science. They are already brainwashed. Part of Brainwashing is when people argue your logic it only adds fuel to the fire of ignorance.

So with that being said. I recommend you research thermoperiodism. And from looking at some near harvest pics on here, and not to mention names, I highly recommend this sight as well. To clean up your yellowing issues at harvest time.

but hey to each his own ..right?
That suggests a 10-15F drop which means that you really don't want to be under 60 and probably better around 65 if you're running ~77F.


Well-Known Member
maddog..pics are allways welcome,especially in the h.s. forum..this thread is more for h.s. regulars who also grow..id start your own thread about mushroom grow pictures/talk if there isn't one..id know id like to see!!


Well-Known Member
Duck..kushs and indicas in general do well in 60-70 degrees..my blackwater loved the nightime last winter as I was struggling with the heat before I got my new duo a.c...maybe this discussion might have a few variables in the equation...


Well-Known Member
That suggests a 10-15F drop which means that you really don't want to be under 60 and probably better around 65 if you're running ~77F.
good, now to walk you a little further down this path of logic... a 30 degree drop is posited, by Horticulturists and marijuana growers alike (UB for one) is preferred by marijuana.

Case and point: The Emerald Triangle. Crisp cool nights followed by hot days on the side of a mountain grows the best bud on earth. Low nighttime temps and high day time temps are the reason for the potent Indica and now subsequently Humboldt buds

nevertheless, My crop right now gets down to high 50s and low 60s at night and as high as 79 during the day. No sign of stress, and they are thriving. thick stalks and tight node spacing...


Well-Known Member
I've never seen UB reccomend a drop that large. And I know all my friends that lice in cool climates have heaters to keep the grow above 60 during lights off in the winter. Many of whom are disciples of UB so I'm calling bullshit.


Well-Known Member
I kinda manipulate the colder days(nights in my room) to help spread out frequent waterings,inbetween feedings..but I've never let a 20degree difference happen but once..I feel(feel) that keeping a constant temp creates an environment where wether the lights are on or not,the plants can keep on their righteous path,instead of wasting energy on the aspects of cold,the energy can be stored for the next day when the 'sun' is out...but,if it works for you,work it..lol

technical dan

Active Member
I agree with what duck said earlier bigger containers (bigger plants) do deal with cold temps better. hopefully these dont get too cold tonight... the lights just turned off and its already 55F in the tent..fuck

Think running my fan for the first and last 15-20 min or so of the light period would be sufficient for air exchange in a closed ~30 cubic foot tent?
plantys the one on the left has been tied down since this pic was taken.