Vertical Scrog LED Closet Grow || Flooded Tube/ NFT || 450w - Headband - 2’ x 3’

Are these LEDs going to produce fat, sticky buds?

  • The buds are going to be amazing and you'll wonder why anyone uses HIDs.

    Votes: 18 19.1%
  • The buds will be good, and the yield will be good compared to the power used.

    Votes: 33 35.1%
  • The buds are going to be fluffy and weak and you'll wonder why anyone flowers with LEDs.

    Votes: 10 10.6%
  • Why not just wait and see?

    Votes: 33 35.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the big fan leaves are a response to the light intensity. Protecting the plant from the high dose of light? LEDs are tuned to the perfect photosynthesis frequencies. You can usually see this when the lights are on and the leaves look black (no reflected light - it's all absorbed). The buds are going to be huge! Is it smelling skunky?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking big fans were a sign of low light levels thus needing bigger leafs to capture more light, funny how we can see things so differently just because. I do think its more of a genetic thing though, jmo.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking big fans were a sign of low light levels thus needing bigger leafs to capture more light, funny how we can see things so differently just because. I do think its more of a genetic thing though, jmo.
i agree my pw#1 they are tiny and GDP they are huge


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the big fan leaves are a response to the light intensity. Protecting the plant from the high dose of light? LEDs are tuned to the perfect photosynthesis frequencies. You can usually see this when the lights are on and the leaves look black (no reflected light - it's all absorbed). The buds are going to be huge! Is it smelling skunky?
I have noticed that 2 clones from same plant 1 indoors under hps, and 1 outdoors under sun, the outdoor one will have much more foilage.
At least this my experience with it.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the big fan leaves are a response to the light intensity. Protecting the plant from the high dose of light? LEDs are tuned to the perfect photosynthesis frequencies. You can usually see this when the lights are on and the leaves look black (no reflected light - it's all absorbed). The buds are going to be huge! Is it smelling skunky?
I think the large leaves are a sign of health, not necessarily the fatness of them... but like you guys said, it's also a strain thing. I saw an RIU member buckethead grow an SLH with the biggest leaves I ever seen. They were the size of a basketball, it was crazy. And it was a closet/ tent grow, not some outdoor monster in the jungle. Cool you mentioned the wavelengths being just on for photosynthesis. These leaves look perfectly black in the light, so like you said, all the color is getting absorbed. Trips me out how black is all colors and white is the absence of color. Would seem the other way around. Or is it and I'm confused lol. I just smoked.

It's time for family bath time. Super fun. Mostly I hold her while mom and her make cute faces at each other. It's about as good as it gets with having a baby. We had a good time out today going grocery shopping. Also picked up some padded envelopes for a possible delivery heading out soon.

I tied back and pruned 4 plants really well. Still need to get at the plants on the back wall. I think this is going to work. :)

Thanks to everyone for following along and commenting. It's really nice to have all the company.


Well-Known Member
It's a wonder she's not dead. Poor girl has had it rough lol.
Threw her in the corner to slow her down some. Gonna take a few more cuttings from her and throw her into flower.


Well-Known Member
She's a beauty for sure. If that's what you throw in a corner, I'm guessing the plants you take care of are even prettier. Nice plant.


Well-Known Member
That second indoor shot looks plastic. Can't get much more perfect. Nice leaf pics. Thanks for sharing.

It's really really cold here. :(


Well-Known Member
we posted at the same time. does that make us psychic blood brothers. haha, that's actually from a movie, psychic blood brothers. Tell me ONE of you guys has seen D.C. Cab. Mo, Gen... anyone?

I love that movie so much. It was our favorite in the family growing up. It's still good after all these years.


Well-Known Member
Outdoor got way bigger. I did have root/rez issues on the indoor.

How was the wind up there today? I thought somebody ripped a couple of my small plants. They had just blown off of the porch! Added more SS and poured rainwater on them :)



Well-Known Member
It's windy as anything up here. Not good for us either as the house is super drafty. When it's cold but still the house warms up nicely. When it's windy like this we need to huddle around the fire and heater. The snow is all frozen and hard. I seriously don't know how people live in places that are super cold like Minnesota or Alaska, etc. I just don't get it. I hate this cold. If it were like this more we'd have to move. But it's beautiful 300 days of the year, so we'll deal.

Good thing the plants are still there.


Well-Known Member
I was on a road trip into the midwest last week, holy shit it was cold in the heartland! Your not kidding jig, it's hard to see how people thrive in the bitter cold. It's like a tundra there basically it will freeze everything solid till April, maybe not as snowy as Alaska but negative temps and the like. Brrrr, makes me cold just remembering it. Some parts of Colorado are like that but that's why I moved.... ;)

Weatherstrip those drafts mango, winters here!

Nice bushes you have there! What a great start, you may have to set up a yo-yo system like whodat with such big girlies!

puff, puff, pass.....


Well-Known Member
its cold here like 45, so i can not bitch to much. the wind is a blowing like a sob here


New Member
Its 19°C here and I'm freezing!!! How does that work at all?

Plants are looking sweet mate. Good job.

Smoke - Eat - Sleep - Repeat :D