I gotta admire you for your tenacity, but I am pretty sure that you would concede to the point that Human beings are social and because of that we need rules besides just Rights. While I abhor most taxes because the majority of it gets wasted on pork that only enriches a few at the expense of the many, I also realize that some form of taxation is needed so that we can all benefit from a pool of resources large enough to benefit the many. IMHO the Fed and the 16th amendment are what made government entirely too powerful and controlling for its own good. Hubris will be our downfall.
First, thank you. Humans are social and anti-social.
In my "perfect world" nobody would force others to pay for that which they don't want and don't use. Reciprocably nobody would use things and expect others to pay for them or expect to not be held accountable if they failed to pay for them. The problem becomes, not that some services can't be performed by a free market. The problem is the free market is PROHIBITED from competing with the coercive governments monopolies. Shhh, it's the secret they don't want to talk about.
The first rule I think of any institution or group that purports to be about freedom ,would be to respect the individuals right to participate or not. If it fails that test, all else that proceeds is not based in freedom and becomes a rationalization for at least "a little bit of force" and often for a helluva alot of force. .
Of course, people should pay for those things which they use, that is appropriate in a peaceful society. However, taxation is a confiscation without any real option. Purchasing a given service in a free market, means you can choose, IF you want the service and from WHOM. If you choose that you do want a particular service, then it is your obligation to pay for it.
A tax, does not consider whether you use something or not, it simply says pay me or else you will be harmed. A true service provider does not hold its' customers by force, it holds them by providing excellent service. The ability of the consumer of those services to seek the same services elsewhere is the mechanism that provides feedback to the service provider to do a good job or lose their customer base....EXCEPT when the ahem "service provider" holds a gun, he can ignore all of that can't he?
The so called "services" provided by the ruling government could be provided by other entities in a free market capable of delivering them to willing and able customers. Yet, in the present scheme, those service providers are prevented from existing.
I agree that the FED is a sham, but that's just the tip of the iceberg.