No. I'm not deluding myself. A person that is deluding himself would call himself "free" and then out of the other side of his mouth declare that this "freedom" must be metered out by a coercive system, which is of course impossible and oxymoronic. Freedom does not spring from coercion, it's delusional to believe this.
Maybe you should refer to what you are calling freedom by a word that more correctly applies? You know, stop deluding yourself that freedom is something that can be given or taken away by others that regularly control you.
The word you are looking for is privilege. When you say "freedom", you really mean privilege. Privileges can be good or bad, but they can be revoked by the giver of the privilege or they can be denied outright.
However your confusing a granted privilege with freedom is a fairly common error made by many people. In real time, you could never have freedom that is based on choices of others who decide your choices for you. False dichotomy much? The idea that the biggest force gets to change the meanings of words is very popular with those who redefine words.
Anyhow, as far as freedoms we don't have, why don't we have them might be a good question to ask?