
Well-Known Member
Non taken neosapien lmfao.... It's my lady not mom fuckers there is a bit of a age gap.... Can you say cougar????


Well-Known Member
i took that pic a couple years ago when i was out gettin stoned and definitely thought it was profile worthy its the background on my home computer too... i really like how the arrow is pionting up into the sunset/hills about 15 mins after i took the picture it was dark.. really awesoem sunsets here on the central coast got a thread i can check out somedude?


Active Member
i took that pic a couple years ago when i was out gettin stoned and definitely thought it was profile worthy its the background on my home computer too... i really like how the arrow is pionting up into the sunset/hills about 15 mins after i took the picture it was dark.. really awesoem sunsets here on the central coast got a thread i can check out somedude?
Im mostly over here https://www.rollitup.org/michigan-patients/583341-so-who-here-growing-true-169.html . I like the central coast but man is it bloodthirsty out here, im ready to move to L.A. To much cut throat bs going on here for me.


Active Member
I lived in Redondo Beach in the early '70's it was pretty chill back then
Up further they have taken a huge hit, jobs are scares and those with one will cut anybody, hurt anybody and lie lie lie , i really miss my midwest ethics.
There isnt another ac guy who can touch me for 100 miles but these hacks keep working, and the customers love paying over and over for the same thing, professionally im in anguish, thats why im moving, only have two great loves in my life and i married the other, im out of here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i think/hope


Active Member
Los Angeles isn't exactly the hot plate of ethical behavior. I hope you don't find it worse than where you are.
Thing is, theres alot of work for a guy like me, i only need a few friends since most people suck anyway and only honest people seem to like me so i kinda weed them out :blsmoke: