i cant see the point in even waisting your time with something so small why dont you make something bigger and get odor control??? i wouldnt bother whats the point in geting caurt for something that small off your parents??? mose well make it worth wile.. true?? ...peace out
ok hey everyone
some of you know that i had a few plants outdoors and they did not work out because they were eaten
i am living with my parents at the moment and they are 100% AGAINST weed and if they caught me growing i would get kicked out in minutes
sooo... i have created the smallest yet sneekiest grow box ever
its a subwoofer only about 17 inches tall and 12 wide...
lowryder definatley! or dieselryder
heres a pic of the outside i gutted everything out a few minutes ago and i will start to put in lights ect. when i move in about 3 weeks
let me know what you think
comments are great and welcome so go ahead and help