Rooting cuttings/clones under WHAT LIGHT???

Daff O'Dill

New Member
Soon I intend on taking 20 - 30 cuttings from off of my 9 plants.
It will be 14 to 18 days into their 12/12 flower cycle, when I take them.

I will buy rockwool cubes, rooting powder...basically a root-it cutting's kit - about £13 ($20).

I don't have a propagator, heat matt OR flouro lighting - Are any of these things essential?
I do have HPS (600w & 1000w) Dual Spectrum (600w) and MH (600w & 1000w) and everything needed to grow older plants.

Can I use any of these lamps to root cuttings and/or encourage roots and growth in very young cuttings...?

Suggestions and advise greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
No. You can do all those things yourself without having to buy anything. You can use those lights, but its complete overkill for clones. I use a closet CFL, a plastic Tupperware box, and set that on anything warm (360 or dish box work fine). I lay the CFL on top of the box and lay a garbage bag over every thing to keep it humid.

The biggest thing I see people mess up on is drenching the cubes and keeping them drenched. Don't. Your cubes should be damp, not wet. Your roots wont grow well otherwise.

Why are you taking clones 2 weeks into flower?

Daff O'Dill

New Member
No. You can do all those things yourself without having to buy anything. You can use those lights, but its complete overkill for clones. I use a closet CFL, a plastic Tupperware box, and set that on anything warm (360 or dish box work fine). I lay the CFL on top of the box and lay a garbage bag over every thing to keep it humid.

The biggest thing I see people mess up on is drenching the cubes and keeping them drenched. Don't. Your cubes should be damp, not wet. Your roots wont grow well otherwise.

Why are you taking clones 2 weeks into flower?
That's what I read was the best time to take hem and what a few people have said is the best time to take cuttings of the plants.

I don't have 'Mothers' per se.
I have 9 plants that are about ready to go off MH 18/6 and onto HPS 12/12.
I need to take enough cuttings to keep the perpetual cycle going.

"360 or dish box"
I am unfamiliar with these terms.
To me a '360' was something I did on a BMX about 30 years ago
If 'dish box' is 'dish washer' I don't have one.

But, to keep something warm, the ducting that comes out of my ventilated reflector (and off my 1000w lamp) could be utilised.
It keeps the entire upstairs of my house warm!


Well-Known Member
Soon I intend on taking 20 - 30 cuttings from off of my 9 plants.
It will be 14 to 18 days into their 12/12 flower cycle, when I take them.

I will buy rockwool cubes, rooting powder...basically a root-it cutting's kit - about £13 ($20).

I don't have a propagator, heat matt OR flouro lighting - Are any of these things essential?
I do have HPS (600w & 1000w) Dual Spectrum (600w) and MH (600w & 1000w) and everything needed to grow older plants.

Can I use any of these lamps to root cuttings and/or encourage roots and growth in very young cuttings...?

Suggestions and advise greatly appreciated.
keep temps at less than 65 for rooting. no heat. less light too. oxygen at root zone is key. rockwool is a problematic medium. coco is good. aerocloners are superb and ez to make. to take cuttings 12 days into flower is a mistake. jeez daff, you're doing everything wrong.
here's a pic of my cloner setup.
clones are on the floor.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i always take my cuttings in flower. never go past about 21 days though. takes too long to revert. all of the flowering clones i've taken ended up being mondo bushy!


Well-Known Member
That's what I read was the best time to take hem and what a few people have said is the best time to take cuttings of the plants.

I don't have 'Mothers' per se.
I have 9 plants that are about ready to go off MH 18/6 and onto HPS 12/12.
I need to take enough cuttings to keep the perpetual cycle going.

But, to keep something warm, the ducting that comes out of my ventilated reflector (and off my 1000w lamp) could be utilised.
It keeps the entire upstairs of my house warm!
I never have taken clones that late, I do all my cuttings and trimming 2 weeks prior to flipping. I have heard about re-vegged cuttings getting a lot bushier but since I veg my plants so long anyway I never really paid the practice much mind.

Im sure its fine, just have never done it. Sounds like it works for other people though.

Yes, any warm surface/place will do, really if you keep your place nice and toasty that should be enough. I think I was referring to my xbox and satellite receiver...the names eluded me at the time. :leaf::-P