coco coir and salt buildup


New Member
Does salt buildup occur in coir if your just using it with an organic soil mix with no chemicals? because i know when you use chemical nutes it creates salt buildup but does this go for organic too?
-Thank you


Well-Known Member
The coco coir may come packaged with salt build up, so you will have to rinse it first. Some bagged brands are pre-rinsed, but probably best to play it safe and rinse first.

From that point, if you're not using synthetic fertilizers (salts), there will be no salt build up.


Well-Known Member
imo you get salt buildup in any media when you are adding a lot more of a particular salt that what the plant actually needs. this could be caused by the ratios of ferts/additives, ph, or simply by feeding lvls that are to high.


New Member
Ok, thank you. I was just wondering how that worked. i was like how would there be salt buildup already in it aha


Well-Known Member
Ive been loving coco. Feeding almost all organics and no salt issues at all. I try like hell to over water but it just wont happen haha long live coco coir

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Ive been loving coco. Feeding almost all organics and no salt issues at all. I try like hell to over water but it just wont happen haha long live coco coir
ya, unlike soil, coco will only hold onto so much water, and then it just drains out. i don't know why people mix a hydro medium with dirt... all i mix with coco is perlite... and i allow for plenty of run-off, then no build-up...


New Member
So if i were to mix soil with peat moss, coco coir would be a better choice? i kinda just want to use it for the property of giving the plants roots alot of oxygen and that its ph is mostly neutral unlike the acidity of peat. or would i just be better of using perlite to aerate my mix?


New Member
I am using pure coco(recycled even) and am getting excellent root growth and structure. As mentioned above, coco will only absorb for so long then it just drains out as quick as you can pour it in...hard for salts to build up.
I also came across a new organic one part(OMRI listed) product and set up a legit side by side test going against a multi part Botanicare mix, and am being told that no flushing will be needed with the organic product.
...seeing excellent results with both products and am only a few weeks into flower, so the prof will be in the finish.