My first attempt at growing


Well-Known Member
yeah bro my leaves started looking like shit at least 3 weeks before the plants were harvested and at first I was stressed about it but the more I read up the more I saw it's completely normal for the leaves to yellow & die like that towards the end of the plants life. So just keep doin what your doin, they look great!!


Well-Known Member
yeah bro my leaves started looking like shit at least 3 weeks before the plants were harvested and at first I was stressed about it but the more I read up the more I saw it's completely normal for the leaves to yellow & die like that towards the end of the plants life. So just keep doin what your doin, they look great!!
thanks bro


Well-Known Member
hey I saw where you stopped the video because your face was in the mylar but on one of your other videos, when you show your big thermometer, you can see alot of your face, just making sure you know...


Well-Known Member
hey I saw where you stopped the video because your face was in the mylar but on one of your other videos, when you show your big thermometer, you can see alot of your face, just making sure you know...
yea I noticed that one but it really doesnt look anything like me so Im not to worried about that one.. the one I blocked out was like a fucking mirror..


Well-Known Member
IMPRESSIVE. I cant wait to compare mine to yours in a couple months, I have bagseed as well so hopefull it will look just as good, IF NOT BETTER ha. hothouse did you get the idea for this setup off the "I grow chronic" videos on youtube. What is the system called?


Well-Known Member
IMPRESSIVE. I cant wait to compare mine to yours in a couple months, I have bagseed as well so hopefull it will look just as good, IF NOT BETTER ha. hothouse did you get the idea for this setup off the "I grow chronic" videos on youtube. What is the system called?
this is bag seed but keep in mind it is from a pound of some VERY nice bud that spit up just 16 seeds when it was shook down.

yup that is where I got my templet from.. easy way to get going! Im going to continue to go with this for my veg room but my flower will be aeroponics and soil next grow...


Well-Known Member
hey hot house you got a new fan man your grow is looking amazing went through a lot of post and watched your vids and have a couple questions sorry couldnt read them all so im sure u have heard these before but how long did you veg for? 2 day marks day 10 for me and i have a hydro drip system in rockwool kinda like yours. Feel free 2 stop by my journal any time. Any help or wisdom that you can throw my way would be very much appreciated. + rep for starting a rookie but growing pro buds.


Well-Known Member
thanks pig! I appreciate the kind words. I honestly cant remember off hand how long I vegged, I think like two months. Ill check my calander in the room tomrorow and give ya 4sho answer. But I really didnt make the change based on any schedule. They where getting way to fucking tall and I was afraid I would run out of room.. damn near did to.. Tried to do a lil training and thought I killed big girl (snapped branch). she is doing great now though. glad to have ya here!! even though ya a noles fan! lol jk

Go tigers! National Champs!:peace::blsmoke::blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
haha I hate my self sometimes for being a Noles fan 2. Grew up in a gator house my whole life and just ended up at fsu so whats a kid to do for the veg I am running a 24/0 but thinking of switching to 18/6 is that what you ran?


Well-Known Member
my next grow I will have aeroponics and a soil grow going.. I went with hydro with this one because I had more info on it. Now that i have found a place here at riu I plan on trying as many different mediums as possible. IM going with aeropoincs this grow because someone gave me a shit load of equipment and expects something from it, so aero is supposed to be the quickest way to grow with good yield but lose quality of bud. Most opinion seems to be that soil is the best. Im gonna test both theory.


Well-Known Member
yea I ran 18/6 did a couple of days on my seedlings of 24. with straight florecents just like in the I grow grn vid.. switched to cfl a couple weeks in when grnman wised me up to it.. had stretching going on like a mofo!
I feel ya, I grew up in a tiger house also! early memorys of life spent in tiger stadium.. Played a pee wee football there..

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
my next grow I will have aeroponics and a soil grow going.. I went with hydro with this one because I had more info on it. Now that i have found a place here at riu I plan on trying as many different mediums as possible. IM going with aeropoincs this grow because someone gave me a shit load of equipment and expects something from it, so aero is supposed to be the quickest way to grow with good yield but lose quality of bud. Most opinion seems to be that soil is the best. Im gonna test both theory.
COCO!!!!!!! All the taste of soil with the wicked fast growth of hydro.


Well-Known Member
yeah Mared keeps talking about this coco I think he has me convinced to give it a shot at least with 1 or 2 plants next grow wish I had the room to work with that you have but 1 day 1day....