My leaf tips are curling? Please help!


New Member
Hey everyone just noticed that my leaves are curling down ways abit not to sure if it's that bad but would like to make sure (: pics should explainimage.jpg


Active Member
you need to give a lot more info on environment/water/PH/fertilizer and dosage along with frequency/soil mix/amendments added if any. we can help you however there is a proper way to ask the question. Read up in the "how to ask for help" guide.


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with it at all looks healthy as a horse. Idk when your pic was taken but they do that right before lights out and during lights out its completely normal. Good luck


Well-Known Member
The top growth could be lighter than the bottom but it is hard to tell; could be the flash. New growth is always lighter at first but from the looks of it I see some fan leaves that should have darkened up a bit by now. Again, hard to tell from a single photo with a potential flash obscuring a proper view. Take a few more pictures. The leaves also look like they have some very slight spotting but it's hard to tell what they are without more pics. It def looks like one thing or another but to be sure is always advantageous - hence the added photos! :bigjoint:


New Member
I've tryed checking my ph using a soil ph testing kit called (brunnings soil ph tester) and my ph seemed to be a darker colour then there was on the ph chart, meaning it's really high I'm guessing? And I recently transplanted them to those bigger pots 3 days ago, I water lightly usually everyday. Where I llive I struggle to find any good growing stores so I'm very limited on what I can get..


In my (very) humble opinion, I think it looks like overwatering or pH issues. Have you checked the pH? How often are you watering?
Yep I reckon you right, overwater, those plants look healthy, check the soil OP, if it's still damp then dont water till it's dried out. finger next to the stem method. Plants look good mate, I am jealous.