Solid soil mix?


Active Member
For my clones I plan on mixing up some happy frog with perlite, dolamite lime and some myko.

After 2 weeks I plan on transplanting into a 2 gal bucket and mixing ocean forest with perlite, dolamite lime and some myko. I'll use the same mix and transplant into a final 5 gallon bucket to finish my veg cycle. I'm thinking of doing solo cup - 2 gal bucket - 5 gallon bucket. Looking for a solid root mass.

I'll begin adding my own nutes once I'm in the bloom cycle which will be around 10 days after my 5 gallon transplant

Does this soil mix sound solid? All of my water will be ph adjusted as well.
How does the soil do that for me? Are you saying that because of the dolamite lime? I read that it takes a lot if time for it to actually buffer ph?
its not necessary to ph your water. the soil will do that for you

And your a mod with almost 6k posts?

The dolomite will help to buffer or stabilize the PH in your mix. I currently have a very nice plant in st8 up FFOF. The PH of the soil and run off is EXTREMELY low at this point, a few weeks from harvest.

Its simple science, you keep adding water to a soil pot that essentially acts like a battery with anode, cathode, and electrolyte.

The only thing saving me is regular feedings of PH'd water/solution and feeding to 10-20% runoff.
And your a mod with almost 6k posts?

The dolomite will help to buffer or stabilize the PH in your mix. I currently have a very nice plant in st8 up FFOF. The PH of the soil and run off is EXTREMELY low at this point, a few weeks from harvest.

Its simple science, you keep adding water to a soil pot that essentially acts like a battery with anode, cathode, and electrolyte.

The only thing saving me is regular feedings of PH'd water/solution and feeding to 10-20% runoff.

Did you veg/flower with OF? I've read that you didn't need to add any nutes during veg, only during flower. What's your experience? I'm adding a few additives (perlite, dolamite lime, and myko) you think I should be ok then with that soil mix?
I agree you need to watch your ph. Everytine I use ocean forest ph come out low like 5.5 ph etc. If your using granular dolomite I would bear it up and turn it into more of a powder so it will break down quicker. Once the dolomite does actually start buffering you will be ok but always check ph. Ots better to be safe then sorry
And your a mod with almost 6k posts?

The dolomite will help to buffer or stabilize the PH in your mix. I currently have a very nice plant in st8 up FFOF. The PH of the soil and run off is EXTREMELY low at this point, a few weeks from harvest.

Its simple science, you keep adding water to a soil pot that essentially acts like a battery with anode, cathode, and electrolyte.

The only thing saving me is regular feedings of PH'd water/solution and feeding to 10-20% runoff.

In simpler science, adding more dolomitic/calcitic limestone or even something like Azomite or Excelerite and maintaining a healthy soil will work a lot better.

How fast\long it works depends on the particle size of the lime, but it usually comes finely ground or even micronized. In reality, some of the lime is dissolved into the soil solution right away. The carbonates react with the acid (H+) in the soil, forming water, CO2 and releasing a mineral cation like Ca or Mg... which will be attracted to and adsorbed by soil particles, or taken up by the plant. Cation exchange capacity keeps these nutrients in the soil so they do not wash out easily. The rest of the lime stays in the soil as precipitate, where it continues to neutralize acids and dissolve more or less slowly, depending on particle size.

FFOF is sphagnum peat based. Sphagnum is naturally quite acidic, it usually requires a good liming application to bring it into a range suitable for plant growth. It contains oyster shell flour which is just calcium carbonate. It is best to just add dolomitic limestone to it before planting in it, so it will help the potting soil resist reverting to acidity to longer. Add some during every transplant.
And your a mod with almost 6k posts?

The dolomite will help to buffer or stabilize the PH in your mix. I currently have a very nice plant in st8 up FFOF. The PH of the soil and run off is EXTREMELY low at this point, a few weeks from harvest.

Its simple science, you keep adding water to a soil pot that essentially acts like a battery with anode, cathode, and electrolyte.

The only thing saving me is regular feedings of PH'd water/solution and feeding to 10-20% runoff.

I wouldn't Read too much into what AlGore posts he is Right about Everything & Everyone....See

Haha, exactly sir, I replied to your PM....

I'm simply not used to this sort of forum environment. The forums I normally read(Unity Community, Stack Overflow, etc) involve people with intelligence helping one another with technical issues. And no one gives a shit about personal crap or flaming or trolling. Its about leaning and helping others, not being some sad internet wannabe that wouldn't have the balls to look me in the eye in real life.

And there's more.....


I've helped set up a few grows elsewhere, I'm good at design, shopping, and set-up on a small scale. I have been growing some clones in a closit since I moved to Co. Its my first grow and it's going fucking awesome, most recent pics here:

I really enjoy growing, I am good at it, and want to get more into it. I do after all come from like 6 generations of farmers plus I'm a certified genius, so its in my blood and I learn very fast, hehe.

In the next few years I'll have my own place with some land with a room or two for indoor and a garden outside in the summer. Right now I'm renting and trying to keep things low key and do minimal damage to the house, lol. Plus I work a lot but work from home and can make time when needed, etc.

ANYWAY... I have a very steady income, which I tend to spend a fuckton of at dispensaries, lol. And am currently spending some on expanding my home setup(moving to the basement for slightly more room). And I REALLY want to get more into and learn about things like outdoors, hydro, larger scale growing, small scale propagation for selection of mothers or breeding pairs, cloning and breeding seeds, etc.

SO... I am looking to find some cool peeps that have experience and space to perhaps get to know better, collaborate on some growing, and learn from. I have money and somewhat limited time to invest, and I love to help set shit up and care for plants. I live near Brighton btw, and you should be somewhat close, 30min or so at the most.

Does this sound like a terrible idea? Anyone interested? Thanks!

Link to the whole damn silly but funny certified genius Saga -

Sorry about kinda hijacking Thread but you should know who you taking advice from..I would listen to the Mod.


Oh nearly forgot this one is for you Al


Awwww dude you gotta make me one of those, will ya? :)

I use dolomite lime too but never on clones or babies but later on in the run. Babies dont need all that bullshit starting out, all they need is a good medium, a little bit of water, and all the light you can give 'em without burnin 'em.
........But, until I get a certificate of my own, I'm no certified genius.
I Know it was a bit mean? but that Guy just starts Negging Peeps and HE don't THINK before he Posts...which we can ALL be guilty of doing....even ME...but I will apologise if I am in the wrong or have been Rude needlessly...:oops:


Posted a Blank one for you Cobnobuler, just take it into Paint Shop or Photoshop and fill in....


I can't take the Credit for Design..That goes to a Chaz Dravis.
I Know it was a bit mean? but that Guy just starts Negging Peeps and HE don't THINK before he Posts...which we can ALL be guilty of doing....even ME...but I will apologise if I am in the wrong or have been Rude needlessly.


Nah, I dont think it was rude at all
Every bar has the big bullshitter:
" I got"
"I got"
"I got"
"I know"
"I know"
"I got"