Hempy style recirculating setup


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I snapped some pics yesterday with one light on that turned out better than I thought they would. I'll try to post them later today.


Well-Known Member
Took a little longer than I expected. The pic with the lighter was taken yesterday(day 42). These girls aren't filling out as much as I'd like but these clones are from a pheno that the guy I got them from has been cloning for 10 years. All of his plants are a little more sparse and less frosty but it's a damn good smoke. I'm really looking forward to finishing these up and getting some new clones in, it'll be orange blossom and blue dream next round. I'm gonna buy 2 more 600's cut my room into 2 4x4's and put 4 clones in each room. No more than a 2 week veg and 1200 watts of hps goodness. I also just planted a great white shark seed, compliments of herbies, that I plan on making a veg room for. Big plans in the next few months and I plan on keeping everyone here informed :).



Well-Known Member
I'm seeing a lot more swelling and I have about 2 more weeks to go. Also, my Green House Great White Shark girl just sprouted, I'm gonna see if I can make a good mom out of her.



Well-Known Member
Fuckin eh, dude, it's looking great!!! I just popped in to see how you're doing. I see a lot of bud in your future. You really pulled this together very nicely, Rubix. Keep up the good work, man!

Edit: Hey, I just noticed that your plant should be ready to harvest about now, based on one of your last posts. Are you going to entertain us with pics of your full grown plant in all her glory? I'm anxious to see the final result.


Well-Known Member
I took the first plant on day 64, that took all weekend. Next girl is coming down this Saturday(day 71). The seedling is doing awesome! Ok, here's some shots.
Wow, they look fantastic! They look like trees!

I really like the PVC tube running horizontally in front of them and the strings tying the branches up. You really have a lot of room to grow in, so you can let them grow pretty tall. Not much need to train, except to give them optimal lighting as much as possible. Hope you enjoy your bud. Maybe you should sell a little and buy a better camera, though. ha ha


Edit: I get it now, the PVC is a frame for a SCROG screen! Nice. That's what I'm using for my frame, too.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the props Dave, I'm not quite sure what the dry weight is yet, just a few more days. I filled up 3 tiers of my drying net with the first plant. I think I should get a little more with the second girl. I'm hoping for around 2lbs but we'll see. Here's some shots of the great white shark, I'm thinking about topping her soon.



Well-Known Member
Awww, their so cute when their young. haha.

Looking good man! I've been interested in the GWS. I'll be following along on her. Who is the breeder?


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah, that's all of what next weekend will consist of. There were 3 of us and it still took 2 solid days of trimming. The GWS is from Green House, compliments of Herbies :) and she's doing great! She took the transplant to the hempy like a champ. I think she and her children will do great things in the near future, I'm glad you'll be there for me to share :) wish I could share more than photos if you know what I mean ;)

I do have to get a better camera /: my iPhone doesn't take the best shots. I'll have my MacBook back up soon too so I should be able to get some bigger pics up. I plan on starting a 8 plant setup with 4 under 2 600w lights or 8 rotating in and out under 4 lights. I think maybe the 4 lights in one room would yield better it would just be a little harder to maintain. I could just set up separate PVC screens for the plants from the beginning. Idk, whataya think?

thanks for the input. It's much needed and appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I think building the room and rebuilding the room is one of the funnest and most rewarding parts of this for me. lol. I am always thinking of ways to improve. Personally I would like to get another light just to have more coverage. Of course the most rewarding thing is the final product :weed:


Well-Known Member
I think I'm going with 4 600's in 1 8'x4'. Dry weight from the first plant ended up being just 18 ounces so not quite 1 gram per watt on the outside light. The girl in the back looks a little beefier and she's had an extra week to swell. We'll see! The smoke is a sweet, tart taste. The aftertaste is a little harsh but I expect it'll get a little more smooth with time. The high is very lifting at first, very obvious when it hits you. From there you just kind of slide into really heavy zoney stoned feeling. The buds are a little more sparse than I'd like but maybe I just took her a little too early.


Well-Known Member
Well, just realized I didn't update this thread with the final weight. I pulled just under 18 oz's off the first and just over 16 oz's from the second. A little less than 950 grams, didn't weigh the trim, I'm gonna make hash eventually so I'll probably weigh it when I get around to that. I'm pretty happy with the turnout. A very sharp but fruity smell, almost like an onion inside an orange. The smoke is smooth in and sweet out. Overall, this grow turned out much better than I really expected. I'm pretty pumped about the next round. I'm working on a room with 6 600w hps and 12 plants. I'll post a link to the thread once I get everything started. Thanks for the help and I hope you guys enjoyed the show. :)


Active Member
Just wanted to say that after reading FlowaMasta and your forums, I have been inspired. Thanks for putting in the time to leave your experiences for us newbies to learn and grow from. This and FlowaMasta's forums should be stickied in the indoor grow forum under hempy style and hydro. Much respect.