seed storage


Well-Known Member
i was also wondering how all you guys store your seeds? whats the best possible way to store them with out fuckin them up? thanks


Well-Known Member
They will be fine damn near any where. Look how many peeps have grown bag seed. Those seeds went threw hell and back and still grew. They sat in mexico in a truck at 200 degrees for 6 months and then made to your bag.

Some say the frig. Some say freezer. Shit maybe in a 200 degree truck. I dont think there is a ideal spot.


Well-Known Member
A cool, dark, drawer is perfect. No problems. Time reduces germination rates, but as long as you don't store the seeds in a medicine bottle on the dash of your car, degradation should be gradual and kept to a minimum.


Well-Known Member
I keep my seeds in the fridge, A lot of times the tempature will have an influence on the sex of the seed,...seeds kept warm will be more likely to produce males and cool climates produce more females. PEACE PH2


Well-Known Member
I keep my seeds in the fridge, A lot of times the tempature will have an influence on the sex of the seed,...seeds kept warm will be more likely to produce males and cool climates produce more females. PEACE PH2
I would need to see some definitive data to support that claim.


Well-Known Member
Airtight,lightproof container in the fridge is what I do. I just grew out some seeds from 1992 and they all germed and grew well.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I keep my seeds in the fridge, A lot of times the tempature will have an influence on the sex of the seed,...seeds kept warm will be more likely to produce males and cool climates produce more females. PEACE PH2
Where the hell did you pull that info from? Your ass?

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Where the hell did you pull that info from? Your ass?

Tom :joint::peace:
There are many people that believe temperature contributes in sex determination. It is an endless argument.

I let my seeds ripen at room temp for a few weeks and then store them in the fridge. It is generally believed that ALL plant seeds can last almost forever in the deep freeze. Some people believe a cool spell, for several weeks, and then warming aids in germination.


Well-Known Member
My point was that its a bebate. Hard shelled seeds will last a long time. Freezer is an option. They naturally fall from the bud and freeze during winter and then grow in the spring. Now some climates have no witnter but ya get the idea.

This thread gives me a head ache.


Well-Known Member
There are many people that believe temperature contributes in sex determination. It is an endless argument.

Some people believe a cool spell, for several weeks, and then warming aids in germination.
I know it works with alligators, and some other reptile species (snapping turtles?). But I'm not too sure about that working with weed. Is there any definitive data showing temperature determining sex in any plant species?

Like you have to do with tulips? People who live in warm places have to put the bulbs in the fridge to simulate winter or they won't sprout.

Dioecious plants secondary sex ratio and amount of pollen

It was found that the amount of fertilizing pollen can influence secondary sex ratio in dioecious plants. Increase in pollen amount leads to decrease in number of male plants in the progeny. This relationship was confirmed on four plant species from three families – Rumex acetosa (Polygonaceae),[7][8] Melandrium album (Cariophyllaceae),[9][10] Cannabis sativa[11] and Humulus japonicus (Cannabinaceae).[12]
amount of pollen here is the factor, not temperature of seed storage.

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Well-Known Member
I know it works with alligators, and some other reptile species (snapping turtles?). But I'm not too sure about that working with weed. Is there any definitive data showing temperature determining sex in any plant species?

Like you have to do with tulips? People who live in warm places have to put the bulbs in the fridge to simulate winter or they won't sprout.

amount of pollen here is the factor, not temperature of seed storage.

I have never seen it "documented" in a double blind study that temperature alters sex outcome. But, some of the people on these forums believe it to be true.