Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Today I'm having Pyjama day, the weather is horrendous gale force winds, rain, sleet, snow so I'm going to sit in front of the TV with Frankie (cat) Ted (dog) lots of chocolate and let the weather do its worst. :-?


Well-Known Member
Today I'm having Pyjama day, the weather is horrendous gale force winds, rain, sleet, snow so I'm going to sit in front of the TV with Frankie (cat) Ted (dog) lots of chocolate and let the weather do its worst. :-?
The silk ones!!!! We need a picture please. Or may I look at the one I have pictured already...


Well-Known Member
forgot to get my socks from the bedroom this am.. wifey's still sleeping.. 2 things I have learned about this woman..
1. don't wake her. 2. once awake don't make eye contact for a good hour or so till she wakes up..

daughter is the same way..

getting ready for Church this am near the kids room.. I hear this thumping sound.. really softly... then it goes away.. I continue to get ready and hear it again.. start thinking maybe someone is awake.. but dont hear anything else for awhile.. this repeats a few times.. finally I think I hear it in my sons room open the door and he's underneath his blankets on his knees with his arms out.. looks like he was playing ghost or something.. he said I just came into the room when he was moving around and trying to get comfortable..

medibles are making me ramble and there is no one here yet.. you guys getting ready for church too?


Well-Known Member
All the snow melted here. Just kind of overcast and drizzly. Extremely windy though. Pretty sure I'm gonna lose another tree.


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Staff member
The 5 pretty much sucks at this time & I remember when the 210 used to seem like one of the best kept secrets in So. Cal until they continued it East ,from San Dimas.
Heads up when heading West just after you merge on to the 210. There's a slight downhill grade & "they" camp out at the Sunflower on ramp & wait.
BTW, I think you went to the wrong "Sniffs" too.
OMG!! YES!!! Been there! LOL! Oh and what he says about the freeway is true too. Yeah that entire back way was perfect until they 'finished' it, le sigh. We travel the same roads you and I!


Well-Known Member
random jibber jabber..

what ever happened to trolling? lol

:eyesmoke: << this always makes me think of mysunnyboy

joe, get the christmas puppy

and last jibber, I think it's really cool that you guys get to see snow. I've never seen a decent amount of snow in person as I live in texas.. and a certain part of texas where it's simply not gonna snow. I'd love to get a chance to smoke a few bowls and go play in the snow. shit, i'd even plow some for you guys lol


soooo, i'm very seriously considering getting a puppy for xmas. full blood all black german shepard.

Puppies are so hard to resist aren't they. I can't wait to get to my new home, I am looking at getting 2 border collies when I finally get there. Miss having pets, had to put my Jack Russell down a few months ago, she was old and riddled with cancer, it was a sad few weeks after that. I used to like cat's until one pee'ed on my keyboard, was a little angry at that, lol.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Puppies are so hard to resist aren't they. I can't wait to get to my new home, I am looking at getting 2 border collies when I finally get there. Miss having pets, had to put my Jack Russell down a few months ago, she was old and riddled with cancer, it was a sad few weeks after that. I used to like cat's until one pee'ed on my keyboard, was a little angry at that, lol.
sorry to hear about your dog man :(

yeh, i've been wanting another pup since someone stole my last one.

This old boy I have now needs a companion.


Well-Known Member
random jibber jabber..

what ever happened to trolling? lol

:eyesmoke: << this always makes me think of mysunnyboy

joe, get the christmas puppy

and last jibber, I think it's really cool that you guys get to see snow. I've never seen a decent amount of snow in person as I live in texas.. and a certain part of texas where it's simply not gonna snow. I'd love to get a chance to smoke a few bowls and go play in the snow. shit, i'd even plow some for you guys lol
I think trolling picked and ate too many mushrooms from his back yard and then logged onto riu and saw pictures of his pecker posted everywhere from buck and went insane. Baaaaahahahaaaaaa

p.s. I liked your mushroom avatar better than this one. It was soooo happy :):):)


Well-Known Member
i heard they were a good all around strain.Was thinking of getting those for myself./Keep us posted
Will try and do so. They are babies right now having only two true leaf sets. Ive had these strains but have no experience growing them. The ice cream has a vanilla type taste and the strawberry cough pretty much speaks for itself.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I think trolling picked and ate too many mushrooms from his back yard and then logged onto riu and saw pictures of his pecker posted everywhere from buck and went insane. Baaaaahahahaaaaaa

p.s. I liked your mushroom avatar better than this one. It was soooo happy :):):)
Let's just say shrimp dick started it :) whoever that is? But I still wish him a Merry Christmas.


There was a thread here maybe a year ago about a RIUnian who <cough!> appropriated a homeless man's dog. The e-fur flew.
Geez, well I have read some wierd stuff on RIU, but I reckon that would have brought out my bad side! lol.

The e-fur flew, rofl.