Can someone please tell me what my plant needs, or whats going on ?

the tip of a couple leave are turning a weird color what is this a sign of watering , over watering, needs food? please help me ASAP!!!!! also my stem on it looks dry but ive been watering the soil not the plant should i water the plant to?
J Photo on 12-25-13 at 7.22 PM.jpg


Well-Known Member
Dude its weed just leave it alone water it made 3 times a week, keep the temps around 70-80 range with 18.6 light cycle with a big enough growing medium and enough wattage, at least 100 watts id like to go with 125 at least. she will be fine. just dont water to much or to little. your plant looks like its in some pretty sketchy soil though id check it out to see if it has any perlite. also you didnt try to feed it right? dont do that until 3 maybe 4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
You should probably describe what you have mixed up in that soil. Your plant should not need to be fed anything for at least a month if in good soil. Do not water ON the plant, keep her dry until her stems harden or you increase risk of damping off (dead plant). I can't tell from the picture if she is over-watered but put a soft fan on her no matter what and don't water again for a good week or until soil feels dry with old finger in the dirt test. If your soil does not have good drainage, you should fix that now with transplant into better soil. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
i see 3 major things

1 your soil looks to be miricle grow organic ( if this is true u need to order something like fox farm's ocean forest ) that is a mixed and ready to go soil

2 the amount of soil look into geting a 3 gallon soil bag (air bag smart pot grow bags ..........fabric bags that let the air keep roots from balling up makes it easy to flush the soil to adjust ph and if u give to much water it leaks out what it can not hold )

3 ......... u are city water a few hours before u want to water u need to fill the bath tub with hot water and allow it to sit and cool .........this is releasing all the chemicals they add to the water that kills the plants roots and little microbos in the soil


Well-Known Member
this is to help u make a phat plant and earn me a x-mas cookie
(i use amazon since it does not disclose mine or your locations)

1 fox farms ocean forest
2 GO box organic full feed
3 1 and 3 ml pippettes (if u plan on growing alot get 500 count)
4 3 gallon and 5 gallon soil bags (3 gallon for plants of 4 oz and under 5 gallon for ones 1/4 to 3/4 lb)

1 this soil is mixed up has microbos in it and all good right out of the bag .......the feed line works well with this

2 the feed is a organic line it feed the plant and the microbos in the soil keeping the soil at ph with out need of adjusting and messing with

3 the pipettes are to mix the feed into a gallon jug it has a plan on the side to fallow for the life of the plant (i got me 4 oz with the correct lights)

4 the soil bags come with handles easy to move around ..........they are the best way u can not really over water them since they will drain out (note u do not want to water every day unless u have a plant that needs it ..........u water and then look for it to perk up when it droops again u waterand that is your timing if it droops before the next time u move it up ) a 3 gallon bag will hold no more then half a gallon of water a 5 gallon bag holds about a gallon

merry x-mas back to trimming the fun kind of trees ho ho ho


Well-Known Member
the tip of a couple leave are turning a weird color what is this a sign of watering , over watering, needs food? please help me ASAP!!!!! also my stem on it looks dry but ive been watering the soil not the plant should i water the plant to?
J View attachment 2941089
That fucking young, it doesn't 'Need' anything except for you to let that soil dry out.


Well-Known Member
Dude its weed just leave it alone water it made 3 times a week, keep the temps around 70-80 range with 18.6 light cycle with a big enough growing medium and enough wattage, at least 100 watts id like to go with 125 at least. she will be fine. just dont water to much or to little. your plant looks like its in some pretty sketchy soil though id check it out to see if it has any perlite. also you didnt try to feed it right? dont do that until 3 maybe 4 weeks.
How many books do you read?
Water 3 times a week?
I don't know where you come up with your numbers, but I've vegged 1 month with less than 100w of CFL's and gone well into flower, and done over 2 3/4 oz with just one plant..
Stop fucking with the guy trying to start.
You're in Cali, Richmond, at John Swett high school?
Does mommy know you're growing?