Super Noob Need help first grow


Well-Known Member

(i just got 2 clones put them in a 28 litre pot with coco = (
Soil) perliter clay rocks is what i should of put :D )

my brother has been growning for about 2 years i dose not do two bad his getting a pound off 2 plants in a wardrobe

but from what i see on this site from some of the grows i have seen his got no clue :D you guys have some insane grown would love to be able to pull that off and shock him :) with some nice huge colas
My suggestion, dude, would be to just do your own thing, study on your own, and reap your own rewards.
Sometimes if you try to combine 'this' and 'that', you'll get confused, and fuck shit up.
A lot of people try to complicate growing more than it has to be.
I use cheap soil that people say 'won't work', some of these nutes, some of those nutes, and only feed what I see my plants want.
I don't read the suggestions or reviews and give according to the chart.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i washed it before i put the clones in

yeah usually i find, the source of all the problems can be not knowing what your using in the first place.
oddly worded, as you read more you will understand how to ask questions right and i usually find the answers to my problems just by specifying what exactly i'm doing, and reading up on it. make sure you don't just go on what people say and you take some time to read into what is what, a beginner guide will help with that. And as I was saying , if you can't read a book try just following someones grow guide and do exactly what they do, so you get the hang of it . Reading about it after that will make more sense and you will hopefully be less misguided

fyi drip setups are bad for soil. if you used coco make sure it was plant ready or you washed and buffered da-dada-da-da......


Well-Known Member

Yeah thanks i think thats a good plan i just want them to recover and do my own thing once i read alot of the forum what works for others dose not always work for everyone else
My suggestion, dude, would be to just do your own thing, study on your own, and reap your own rewards
Sometimes if you try to combine 'this' and 'that', you'll get confused, and fuck shit up.
A lot of people try to complicate growing more than it has to be.
I use cheap soil that people say 'won't work', some of these nutes, some of those nutes, and only feed what I see my plants want.
I don't read the suggestions or reviews and give according to the chart.


Well-Known Member

Yeah thanks i think thats a good plan i just want them to recover and do my own thing once i read alot of the forum what works for others dose not always work for everyone else
My suggestion, if this is your first grow (which it sounds like), is to start a journal, keep notes on what you do, what the results are, and not expect a lot for your first time.
I'm not trying to be a dick, but mistakes WILL be made, no matter how much you've read or tried to study.


Well-Known Member
so washing coco afterwards you buffer to 5.8 .
we usually do a soak of 5.0 solution and wait up to 3 days. '
i dump then re add water
i add cal-mag and 1/4 dose nutrients, so that when i transplant into it i can get away with plain water with maybe a little rooting excel, let it sit for a while longer with maybe an airstone
squeeze it out and mix a little perlite (depending on what type of coco, pith[spelling?], chunks, husks, whatever)

i'm guessing he says to use the clay pebbles to help the drippers distribute the water around, whatever works man.

read about coco and know the hydro ph range as said before.. if your ec is 2.0, x500 or x700 is equal to 1000 or 1400 ppm right? thats fucking crazy for a plant so small, considering i dose up to maybe 250 ppm or so on a plant so small (150 added to my 100ppm tap water)
i use the 700 scale meaning i do a lower dosage when talking about ppms, this is relative when reading about how someone else doses something.

if the coco was washed n buffered and plant still living i would correct the ph with say, 5.5 or so plain water and let it have say, 50% runoff

for the reservoir maybe do a 1/8 dosage of nutrient and 1/2 dose of cal mag and keep it @ 5.8


Well-Known Member
Would you say changing my res i have two only using one at the moment the 100ltr one i also have a 50ltr do you think it would be good to just run it with clean water in the 50ltr and just disconnect the 100ltr till they pick up ?

also the more i read the more i wish i didnt do what my brother said but it seems to work for him so its odd he gets clean water from work thats 0.1 and just runs his EC at 1.2 sadly i dont have the luxury of that

once my seeds come i might just start over and follow a grow journal that has went well :( oh well we win some we loss some

Thanks again for all your help i no ill learn alot from this site so its time to start reading


Well-Known Member
Would you say changing my res i have two only using one at the moment the 100ltr one i also have a 50ltr do you think it would be good to just run it with clean water in the 50ltr and just disconnect the 100ltr till they pick up ?
TBH man, I am a soil guy.
I can only suggest common sense as far as soil grows go, but I've not been steered wrong by Nizza.
If I see something blatantly wrong, of course I'm gonna tell you, but..............


Well-Known Member
i'd flush it either by running water through or whatever you are killing it with that high of an EC lol.
does your bro run the 1.2 when they are established and about a foot or two tall?
can you get pictures in natural light?
and what exactly are you using to check EC?


Well-Known Member
BluelabTruncheon__16332.1328473952.1280.1280.jpg one of them

he runs them with 1.2 as soon as they are moved from the clone room to the two mean pots

Ill let some more photos soon just waiting for some people to go


Well-Known Member
Hi guys need some help got no clue been reading a lot and learning from my brother only thing is i don't think he knows whats his talking about

i just got 2 clones put them in a 28 litre pot with coco perliter clay rocks at the time res with 2 drippers top feed drain from bottom back to the res

running the water every 6 hours for 30mins PH level is at 6.6 EC level from the tap is 0.8 i have put COCO grow A&B + Rhizotonic = EC of 2.0

one of the clones i got looked almost dead when i got it and the other one was in good shape but they both don't seem to be doing to well for them selfs

i got them under a 600WAtt globe around 20inchs away have 2 fans on the plants one of the globe above the light there is a carbon filter and centrifugal fan

any help would be great really want to learn and be come pro's like you guys :)

Also running light on a 18/6

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this looks like an easy one bud. 2.0 ec is going to kill those sprouts, and fast. Well that is if the amount of light your giving them doesnt kill them first.

Drain your system and replace it with 300 ppm ( i think its around .4 ec but i dont have my truncheon handy to convert ) make sure theres a little calmag in there thats hydro specific. Oh and i believe theres two different ec measurments european and american so i prefer ppm myself. Make sure your on the right one.

Then raise that light as high as it possibly goes, like four feet would be just fine for those sprouts. With it that low what do they have to look foreward too as they grow besides a sunburn?

Do it now because they look like their dying fast. Good luck dude :):):)


Well-Known Member
Oh and i doubt your ec from your tap is .8. That would make your tap water at around 1200 ppm.....and thatd probly kill ya. If it truely is ya might need to come up with another water source. Maybe your ec meters a hunka hunka burnin crap.


Well-Known Member
Alright this is the plan i just went to the shop and got my self some filtered water 50ltrs of the crap my babies are now under the CFL its 130Watts they run so cool :D tent has cooled down heaps

Plan one
1) run tap water that is EC 0.8 - (PPM EC x 500)= 400 - (PPM EC X 700)=560 CF 8
for a couple of hours to flush ....
then change with the new res and filtered water

Plan two
2) filtered water on the bluelab is
EC 0.4 - (PPM EC x 200)= 400 - (PPM EC X 700)=280 CF 4

Flush with clean water and hope for the best

Also do you think the other res with all the A/B can be kept till the babies pick up or just throw out don't want to as the supps cost money :D

Thanks for all the help so far



Well-Known Member
I was with Baktera when he said this was going to be a "cluster fuck". Interested to see how your advice recovers that plant Alien. I just hit the "im sick of dirt" phase and looking at hydro in some form. (proly hemp was thinking UC but to many nightmare stories.)
OP Dont stress it to hard. this wonderful plant is a weed. If this was soil id say flush it with 3x water and wait 48 hours Lol G/l


Well-Known Member
Those truncheons are supposed to be accurate for life but have you cleaned the metal conductive tabs on the bottom? I can see that your reading the left side or the ec x 500 which is the correct side unless your in europe, so thats good. But what does the ec x 500 side say about the filtered water? You also know that when it blinks between 100 and 200 ppms back and forth its like 150 right?


Well-Known Member
I was with Baktera when he said this was going to be a "cluster fuck". Interested to see how your advice recovers that plant Alien. I just hit the "im sick of dirt" phase and looking at hydro in some form. (proly hemp was thinking UC but to many nightmare stories.)
OP Dont stress it to hard. this wonderful plant is a weed. If this was soil id say flush it with 3x water and wait 48 hours Lol G/l
This is an easy one lol, its just getting a little complicated. Theyre fried from light or nutes or both, i think both. But their in hyro which makes me think theyll bounce back like no prob if he figures it out.


Well-Known Member
in the filtered water the PPM is 200 blinks between 100 and 200 ppms back and forth its like 150 right? i didnt but i do now thanks i am just flushing it now with tap water then tomorrow ill run it with the clean filters water what do you think the chances of recovery are ?
Those truncheons are supposed to be accurate for life but have you cleaned the metal conductive tabs on the bottom? I can see that your reading the left side or the ec x 500 which is the correct side unless your in europe, so thats good. But what does the ec x 500 side say about the filtered water? You also know that when it blinks between 100 and 200 ppms back and forth its like 150 right?


Well-Known Member
also there in soil coco and perlite my brother told me to put clay rocks on but today i have found he dose not have a clue

This is an easy one lol, its just getting a little complicated. Theyre fried from light or nutes or both, i think both. But their in hyro which makes me think theyll bounce back like no prob if he figures it out.


Well-Known Member
I think the chances of recovery are good. Now that youve figured out the trunchon a little better youll have less problems. Keep the ppms low until they grow. I start at 150 on my tap water. I bring it up slowly. 300 first, then 450, then ill keep it at 600 for a while and then gradually raise it to 1000 ppm in flower. Stay positive, the one may die but the other one will probably live and you can easily pull a little more off that one with a little more veg time. Who knows, you might get a chrismas miracle and they both live.
Flush for a bit and then take it slow. You just got your first lesson in reading the plant. Good luck :):):)


Well-Known Member
Yeah im glad in a way to learn with the test plants becasue when my seeds come i want them to be 100%

seed list is
2x bigbang
2x grape fruit

:) slow and steady win the ran so they say.....

i think the littie one will die but it didnt look much better when i got it off my brother the other one come from his mate thats why it looks better :D

anyway thanks for the help going to flush some more water