Yea man. Should make for better use of my space.^ Nice, 4 heads better than one!
Great link...thanks man.Looking good! Can't wait to see what I can do! also, keep this bookmarked for future reference![]()
Note: Needs tweaking. Cut out coco water. Too high in magnesium.To 1/L pure reverse osmosis water add:
2 tbsp fresh urine
2 tsp organic coconut water
1 tsp all-natural molasses
1 tsp dry, organic all-purpose nutrient
Bubble for 10 hours then add 2 tbsp fresh worm castings and bubble another 8 hours. I then dilute with another litre of pure r/o water before applying.
Thanks man! So for pics of the really simple setup check out the post on page 5. But as far as tips go, lets see...keep it simple; relative to the size of your garden. Mine is just a coffee can. I only brew 1-2 liters at a time. Another tip would be to dilute to at least double before applying. Your brewing container should not let light in and use some type of lid. If it is tight fitting, be sure to drill a few holes in it so gas can escape. Also, its a good idea to have a tray or aluminum pie pan under your container in case it bubbles(foams) over. As far as amendments, man, i'm still learning myself and there are a million recipes out there. I build my own soil mix so i am really trying to rely on it to supply most of my nutrients and the tea to just mostly feed the microlife that populate the mini-environment within the pot. I hoping it makes for some really clean and tasty(and potent) medicine. Anyways, thanks for stopping by!Looking sexy! Any tips on your home made tea brewer? Thinking of implementing that in my set up