The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I'm in Austin now and my buddy from seattle brought me a gift from a dispensary, he is from austin as well but has lived in seattle for almost 8years. My other friend game me 15 5mg Marinol which is legal pharmaceutical THC in the U.S.

My Gift ChemDiesel from WinterLife Cooperative (A Delivery Coop in Seattle):


ChemD, 15 5mg Marinol, and My own very BLZ compressed and rolled tight. that small spliff you see is 1/2 gram of BLZ:



Well-Known Member
Yeah welcome to the thread GhostDog! Words of advice from my experiences with auto's. They are easy to run, not picky at all having rueralis in its lineage. They can get as big as a normal reg/fem seed. I'm guessing dwarfs stay short. Don't kill them with to much love meaning always messing with them and changing nutes to much or adding other substances to the mix. Let them get into a good bloom then play around with them and they will let you know what they like.

All in all good job so far man and best of luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@GaryBhoy: awesome cola's on those ladies, they are outdoor right?


Well-Known Member
Yeah welcome to the thread GhostDog! Words of advice from my experiences with auto's. They are easy to run, not picky at all having rueralis in its lineage. They can get as big as a normal reg/fem seed. I'm guessing dwarfs stay short. Don't kill them with to much love meaning always messing with them and changing nutes to much or adding other substances to the mix. Let them get into a good bloom then play around with them and they will let you know what they like.

All in all good job so far man and best of luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@GaryBhoy: awesome cola's on those ladies, they are outdoor right?
cheers m8, but no they are indoor plants they were vegged under a 600w and now flowering under 1000w hps in a grow tent. they are 25 days into 12/12 now so still about 6-7 weeks left.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice @mdjenks . To be honest nutes make me nervous. The aim of this grow is to get over the finish line with the least amount of arseing around as possible. The first 2 runs will be to to just watch temps and check for smell. I also got that software mentioned in the sticky to play with. I hope I will get distracted by this and stop trying to "improve" my setup.


Well-Known Member
I use a notepad n pen lol

Don't worry about being distracted , im the worst for that but I find myself becoming more n more obsessed with a things green!


Well-Known Member
I use a notepad n pen lolDon't worry about being distracted , im the worst for that but I find myself becoming more n more obsessed with a things green!
Hehehe....I am no stranger to pen+paper too. But I am a nerd who grows so a bit of software scratches both itches. I remember looking for a some software a couple of years ago and there was nothing worth considering. Now, probably because of the medical mara situation in the US, there is an explosion in everything from grow logs to dispensary POS stuff. Unfortunately most of them are paid for apps so I cant see myself getting to play with them.


Well-Known Member
Just busting balls (not all that good at it haha) get on ur google machine n check out the pirate sites, oodles of free programs there but tbh alot of em are as u say pointless better off looking up how to make ur own carbon filter or as you say if iffy with nutes Lucas formula will sus you out n let me add im a noob 2 so don't take anything I say as infallible lol


Well-Known Member
Cheers R31@x. I am happy enough with Hq software for the mo. I just want to keep track of what works and what doesnt. Lucas formula looks good. Have only ever used BioBizz or off the shelf garden centre stuff. I am going to wait till Bluey is well in flower before I retry the nute route. In the mean time I am trying to track down a square shaped carbon filter for my intake. Wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
Wooooohoooo, guess who's getting the digital volcano for his b'day....this mother fucker right here!!!


Well-Known Member
I know but U get what you pay for mate, has a 3 yr n all so happy days. my b'day is still a bit away so she has time to save up for it n since she pays over 200 euro to get her hair done im getting a mother fucking 500 euro vape haha.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Cheers R31@x. I am happy enough with Hq software for the mo. I just want to keep track of what works and what doesnt. Lucas formula looks good. Have only ever used BioBizz or off the shelf garden centre stuff. I am going to wait till Bluey is well in flower before I retry the nute route. In the mean time I am trying to track down a square shaped carbon filter for my intake. Wish me luck!

clondalkin indoor growing, just at the ibis hotel, they got some right at the doorway... i do suggest you re consider the nute thing tho dude, you will affect the end yeild, and hey it takes so long to get there that every gram counts, and you could loose a fair bit of dry weight, i`ve done minimal feeding aswell and it pays, just not as well as the feeding route..

it`ll take you a few grow cycles to get to know what works for you and what doesn`t, and what the plants want etc, also if you want to get into logging it and all you`ll really need to be doing side by sides, it seems to be the only thing that really cements what style is working for you, otherwise you`ll end up second guessing yourself.. as you can`t really rely on single grows for that kind of study, it takes to long in all reality even if you anal about it...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
I know but U get what you pay for mate, has a 3 yr n all so happy days. my b'day is still a bit away so she has time to save up for it n since she pays over 200 euro to get her hair done im getting a mother fucking 500 euro vape haha.
[video=youtube;-5i1cJIwE7M][/video] .....hahahahahahaha....

well for some, 500 notes on a vape.. you know we`ll be demanding smoke results r3, iam and a few of the lads have had great results with vapes, bringing them to the cinema and all, and with the boom in e cigs you would be even more un noticed smokeing in public....


Well-Known Member
LOL @life of Brian.
Yeah I told her id pay half to sweeten the deal haha been reading uncle bens threads...hes on the ball that are ur ladies doing?


Well-Known Member
clondalkin indoor growing, just at the ibis hotel, they got some right at the doorway... i do suggest you re consider the nute thing tho dude, you will affect the end yeild, and hey it takes so long to get there that every gram counts, and you could loose a fair bit of dry weight, i`ve done minimal feeding aswell and it pays, just not as well as the feeding route..

it`ll take you a few grow cycles to get to know what works for you and what doesn`t, and what the plants want etc, also if you want to get into logging it and all you`ll really need to be doing side by sides, it seems to be the only thing that really cements what style is working for you, otherwise you`ll end up second guessing yourself.. as you can`t really rely on single grows for that kind of study, it takes to long in all reality even if you anal about it...
Thanks. Thats some pretty solid advice. At the back of my head I know you are right but I just have a nute phobia. But I will just have to get over it. I only have bio-bloom left anyway. Do you think its a good idea to wait till flower and then start on a low dose? If I get into trouble I can always post up here.
The logging thing is just to pass the time. I am sat in front of a pc most days. I am happy enough with one plant at a time for now. Then again......


Well-Known Member
well for some, 500 notes on a vape.. you know we`ll be demanding smoke results r3, iam and a few of the lads have had great results with vapes, bringing them to the cinema and all, and with the boom in e cigs you would be even more un noticed smokeing in public....
I dont know much about vape's. Is there no smell of them at all?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
LOL @life of Brian.
Yeah I told her id pay half to sweeten the deal haha been reading uncle bens threads...hes on the ball that are ur ladies doing?

ben knows his stuff, but he can be very single minded on certain aspect of growing, not that its a bad thing like everyone to there own and all that.. and he knows how to get the big yeild so supppose that speaks for itself....

this year my plan is to get myself another twincam, fuck paying for kitchens and all that jazz, done our last house and just when i finished we moved, so house can stay as is i`m getting a drifter again...;)

love the life of brian, most pyton stuff really...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Thanks. Thats some pretty solid advice. At the back of my head I know you are right but I just have a nute phobia. But I will just have to get over it. I only have bio-bloom left anyway. Do you think its a good idea to wait till flower and then start on a low dose? If I get into trouble I can always post up here.
The logging thing is just to pass the time. I am sat in front of a pc most days. I am happy enough with one plant at a time for now. Then again......

i can`t see you haveing problems itroduceing food to them, at any stage, there has been occasions i`ve given veg feed at mid flower to help them stay lush, i think its not a label thing as in flower, veg, its more a what the plant needs thing, once you`ve been through it a few times you`ll strip away the myth of growing and see it alot clearer, the site great for study and comparrison etc but nothing beats experience... which we all need as you never stop learning, each plant is as individual as we are...