How do YOU think there doing?


Well-Known Member
Here some new pics. 18 days flowering. Defoliated again a couple of days ago. I don't know what to do with that tall one, I hope it doesn't get any taller so the other two can catch up.
photo 2 - Copy.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 3 - Copy (2).jpgphoto 4 - Copy (2).jpgphoto 4 - Copy.jpgphoto 4 - Copy (2).jpg


Well-Known Member
You should be Very proud, it's a nice Looking Garden of Bud.
what strain?
mines a bag seed of Unkown origin.


Well-Known Member
@Dogenzengi, Kush And thats all I know about them as that is all they were labeled as. Grew this strain before in dirt but they never got even half this big. That big one is 5 feet tall.


Well-Known Member
As I see the thread I would also offer my condolences in the passing of your Father.

I quote Shakespeare in my Sig line, it also alludes to the existence of some place better to go when we leave here.

I do believe in a better place to go, call me crazy but it was how I was raised and taught.

peace be with you and your family.


Well-Known Member
Merry Christmas and happy holidays. Here is some new pics:
photo 1 - Copy (2).jpgphoto 1.jpgphoto 2 - Copy (2).jpgphoto 2 - Copy.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 3 - Copy.jpgphoto 3.jpgphoto 4 - Copy.jpg
About another month to go.

Here is my elusive tiger cat (Mr. Magoo).
BTW this is a recent video. I was just messing around with the camera and tried the 9mm setting. Looks like old school.


Well-Known Member
Dam the plant n the back is fukn humongous
Ya that big one if you look closely the first 3 feet is nothing but stock and popcorn then I started to supercrop it and thats when it started to fill in and you can clearly see when I started that. I had to move the plants around this morning because my lamp is as far to the top as I can put it. so I stuck the big one in the corner and moved my lamp away from it so maybe it will help(the big one was getting bleached). If indicus get this big I fear how big a sativa will get and I have NYC Diesel just waiting to go. I think I will be investing in some nets and try to hold them down next time.
My second tent is still unused as I could not get my buckets(or at least all of the parts)so it sits there unused potential. Maybe by the end of the month I can get that tent going.

But all in all this crop looks good so far. Very frosty and now they are starting to fatten up. As for yield hard to say as they are just fattening up now so I don't know how big the buds will get.