Ive had that happen on Shiva. It's not common. Makes for extra nice trim for extraction.
I have never seen that, I have seen 10s of thousands of plants over the years. I think the genetics are so strong in the plant. that it is trying to make every thing flower. I bet its a very strong buzz.
Thats what i said too, I have seen over 10,000 plants and only 1 had flowering leaves.... Common they say, I guess if your in holland and run a breeding warehouse of 50,000 plants everry 6 months it might be common, but I would love 1 other person on riu to post some pics of flowering leaves,,,, wont happen, there is probably less than 1000 plants like that in the entire world right now.
Get a better camera dude, borrow one, pawn shops have awesome cheep cameras, craigslist too. Get some good pics and I bet hightimes will publish your pic!! I had one pic make it in the pages of high times... feels good when you open that mag, and there is your plant!! and the rest of the world gets to drool over what is in your room.