Recent content by AlbinoAcorn

  1. AlbinoAcorn

    How much for a pound near you?

    We have medical but its really hard to get. I can get $10 a gram all day but I sell it for $3,000 a lb to my cousin or his buddy and they get around $280-$300 an oz. I cure all the bud for about 3 wks in glass mason jars so I lose some weight but its worth it. They love the final product and I...
  2. AlbinoAcorn

    soical experiment... Describe Your God

    God is real because math proves it, lol.
  3. AlbinoAcorn

    Another Cree CXB3590 DIY thread

    Nice setup. What's the closest you get those LEDs to the plants?
  4. AlbinoAcorn

    soical experiment... Describe Your God

    I don't believe in god. Life's too short to spend time on stuff like that IMHO. I do respect the religion of others. Just because I don't believe in god doesn't mean he's not real.
  5. AlbinoAcorn

    Don't these look funny?

    Youre wrong. Explain to me how ive been foliar feeding under the biggest lights you can use indoors for over a decade and never experienced burning the leaves? Because youre an idiot if you believe that a fuckin fluoro light is gonna burn the leaves lmao. The op has a tiny little fluoro and...
  6. AlbinoAcorn

    Is my plant dieing?

    Are you able to grow inside? I would ditch that plant and start over inside. Don't reuse that soil.
  7. AlbinoAcorn

    first time grower

    18/6, 24/0 or 20/4 are all good light schedules for veg. I prefer 20/4 but the difference is minimal.
  8. AlbinoAcorn

    Don't these look funny?

    Foliar feeding while the lights are on is NOT gonna burn the leaves. I used to foliar feed every other day under two 1,000 hps for YEARS. These noobs are outta control here. So much misinformation being spread daily. Its ridiculous.
  9. AlbinoAcorn

    first time grower

    Deal. :bigjoint:
  10. AlbinoAcorn

    first time grower

    I am a dickhead lol. I could have been a lot nicer when trying to get my point across.
  11. AlbinoAcorn

    first time grower

    You're brain dead. We both hijacked this guys thread. Enough is enough. You called me a dickhead, I called you brain dead, were even lol.
  12. AlbinoAcorn

    first time grower

    You said seedlings would be stunted so why would you post a link referring to flowering when I asked you where you get your info from? Are you slow? The first link you posted said %40-70% for seedlings.. What don't you understand? The links you posted prove I'm right lol. can you read and...
  13. AlbinoAcorn

    first time grower

    Lmao here is what it says in that link about seedlings "Optimal Humidity is 40-70% RH" But nice try. You should read more and type less. The last link you posted refers to flowering plants, not sure why you posted that.
  14. AlbinoAcorn

    first time grower

    I've been growing indoors over 15 yrs. How long you been growing? You really shouldn't be giving out advice, its quite obvious you don't know what your talking about. How would posting a pic of my plants prove that your right about low humidity stunting growth in seedlings??? I don't care if you...
  15. AlbinoAcorn

    first time grower

    Lol where the fuck do you get your info? You're wrong. Its that simple. 40% humidity absolutely WILL NOT stunt growth. Where did you read that? You have no idea what your talking about.