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  • C
    leave it were it is. only 3 hours of direct sunlight? does it get a good amount of indirect sunlight? if so just leave it be it will be just fine? though more sunlight is better.
    Thanks alot! Heres the deal. I have a female plant that is outdoors. It was sittin right outside the house gettin all the sunlight it needed. Growing very fast and well. About a week ago i had to move it out in the woods so i searched for a spot that it would get hit by the mornin sun. Problem is its only gettin 2-3 hours of direct sunlight. I went to look at it today and it has a bunch of nodes with white hairs like its starting to bud. Now, i need to know if its fine where its at or if i should find a new spot where it would get more then 3 hours of sun. Its about 4 feet tall but i would think it would need to grow more before budding like it is. I live in kentucky
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