Recent content by bigwood111

  1. bigwood111

    It's A Fuct World

    STG is very pricey. I think it would cost at least twice as much if not three times as much as the fytocell.
  2. bigwood111

    It's A Fuct World

    I would definitely read the whole thread again. Quite a bit of info and it sounds like you're not sure what you're doing.
  3. bigwood111

    It's A Fuct World

    Hey Al, now that you have everything dialed in with your cooltubes and everything else how are your yields? Have they increased?
  4. bigwood111

    It's A Fuct World

    Yeah I run a 600 metal halide and a 400 mh as well. I think I just need more mothers of a single strain that as oppose to several mothers of different strains. I take 50 cuttings every 2 weeks off that plant and some are def smaller then others. This is my chem 4. Im 18at days in now and no...
  5. bigwood111

    It's A Fuct World

    Day 16 of my AL B FUCT style perpetual. Thanks Al... Big hat off to ya. I was thinking about it for a long time but you got my ass in gear and I made it a reality after growing every other way.
  6. bigwood111

    It's A Fuct World

    Thanks Al. I hand watered yesterday which was the one week date in flower. I'll water them every other day now this week and see how it works out. Then I should be able to start flooding everyday after the second week once a day at lights on to about 2-3 inches? If I remember correctly that is...
  7. bigwood111

    It's A Fuct World

    Forgot to mention I'm growing in 4x4 trays with a 40 gallon res with flood to drain with 1000 watts above each 4x4. In the first tray week 1 and 2 the light is about 3.5 feet away from the top of the plants. Thanks Al!!!
  8. bigwood111

    It's A Fuct World

    Hey Al, I'm growing in Rockwool flock. Haven't seen much growth in the first week of veg. I'm pretty sure I should of hand watered every other day or so. I'm I correct on that assumption?
  9. bigwood111

    Norcal Outdoor Grow Finally getting underway...100g smart pots

    Def happy, just ask away. How did you like that stuff? My thread has been up since June and the drying racks work great when you run outta space. Do tend to leave a flat spot on some of the buds tho. Much prefer hanging but not always enough room.
  10. bigwood111

    In NC with Cali Buds

    Where's joco?
  11. bigwood111

    In NC with Cali Buds

    Where are all the smokers at in North Carolina???
  12. bigwood111

    Carport GreenHouse 2011

    I bought a mirror and cut it down. Made a trap door so none of the pollen could escape. Rubber balls from the party store to agitate the goods inside and knock off all the trichs. Beautiful golden keef!!!
  13. bigwood111

    Carport GreenHouse 2011

    This is the tumbler I built. Stainless 90 micron mesh. Works awesome. Super slow rotisserie motor for better product.
  14. bigwood111

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Best bet to use 1 can of butane per oz of product you pit into tube. Also after making bho for quite a while now I chop all my plant material in the Ninja chopper.( available at target,Walmart, etc). This will get your plant matter to a better form to fill your tube. Then just tap your tube on...
  15. bigwood111

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    I only use Vector Butane 5x refined. I run my butane through chopped flowers and give put in hot water bath. (as hot as sink will get water) I change water about 3 times because I do 7oz of flower per run. When most of the butane has evaporated I start whipping it while on the hot water bath...