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  • That was one hell of a plant!! If the white widow is even a 1/3 that size I would be ecstatic. The person that grew that is a guru.
    Hay, keep sending the neat sites. I dont mind at all.
    I went to check the Lowryders for germ and boy was I surprised. All but one has come up. Maybe I shouldnt have planted the other 4.
    Talk to ya later. The weekend is finaly here!!!!!!
    I drive the finest cars built in the world Lambo's ferrari 430-599-360,bentley's u name it. I do high end auto collision and have a very rich client base,so why buy one when i can just drive there's most vehicle's i pick up and deliver. And all have gone over 150mph with me behind the wheel.
    try to change ur soil and and perlite to it and see what happens.check out my album flowering have few new pics.put more up sat.
    Hay, put up a couple of pic of some tops. Not real impressed w/that particular plant. I mean it has plenty of resin filled nuggets, but I guess I was hoping for 60 or so grams and it looks like about 30/35. Oh well, check it out.
    why do u have a tooth pick in soil, remove it u do not need. U probably put that there so i could see it right duhhhhhhhh!! Sweet glad they're on there way.
    put in wet paper towel to start and keep it wet in a dark place no light!! When they open let root tip grow out abit keep wet put latex glove on not to contaminate and i use the tip of my finger in latex and gently plant keep wet give about a week. My pkush planted same time 1 came up 4 days later than the other so be patient and good luck,Oh they also sell sprout concentrate u put in ur water to help induce sprouting good luck..:leaf:
    Hi everyone!I want your help on this one please.I got 10 Auto AK-47 seeds from Lowlife and the problem is that they don't sprout.Last month Iputted 3 seeds in paper towels and then over a warm electrical device.They cracked showed theyr white root but only for a mm or so (very small) and they remained the same for 2 weeks(in the same stage).I was tired of this and I put them into the ground as they ware.Keeped the soil wet but they didn't come out.
    I saw that other auto buyers had this problem too. But I didn't found a good solution on this problem on the internet.
    Today I put 3 more seeds in a cup of distilled water and I'll wait till' they crack and then put them into paper towels.
    I'm very nervous about it.
    Anyone resolved this problem?
    Any news about that auto ak 47?I just got some seeds(lowlife seeds) and i want to hear details abut it from the growers.Thanks
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