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  • hey bojangles69 How would I sign up for this pod lovers seminar my email is
    Bojangles69 i read your post about wanting to get pod people together for a new reliable source for te summer. Im very interested, i ave been usin pods for many years now and all te sources ave dried up. Please email me wit te details my email i s
    I'm interested in joining the seminar on dried floral crafting. I will tell me other crafters at the shroomery through private messages. Have you tried the rachel's wedding poppy pods? Just got some in and not sure I'm feeling anything (but they looked great)...
    hey Mr Bojangles i recently received a PM on another site about supplies for my wreaths and art supplies and resellers.. but i cant respond to you due to me having less than 50 posts. Can you make your account emailable or something? I am interested in your offer btw. also check my profile for contact info... including an email address..
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