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  • hi man i seen u giving some one tips and i know u know what u are talking about.

    is there any tips u can give me man it would be very nice of u. i never though about making an account on this or any website fourm but u know what u are talking about
    and so i could just get some tips from u is the reason i made this account.

    here is what i am doing tell me how i can make my legal grow better sir
    i brew compost teal with , worm shit, compost, humus, little bit blood meal some micro lie juice, earth juice catalyst and some bat shit.
    i want to go organic so i am use bio bizzz.
    please man any tips u can give me would be very very nice
    and what do u prefer in the veg pinch the tip, cuting them of or super cropping .

    please man it would be very nice of u
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