Recent content by cannabisguru

  1. cannabisguru

    Anyone else looking forward to the Fall/Winter seasons?? I am!

    I actually like the snow as well. Just something about it you know what I mean?
  2. cannabisguru

    Anyone else looking forward to the Fall/Winter seasons?? I am!

    No! Your right buddy! We too are somewhat too blame.. but so is the generation before mine, and the one before that.. and the one before that.. its an endless cycle really. But seriously, your right. My generation is somewhat responsible.. I can't personally take responsibility for...
  3. cannabisguru

    Anyone else looking forward to the Fall/Winter seasons?? I am!

    Thats cool buddy. It's good to get them involved in activities like this to keep them occupied and busy instead of sitting at home with the electronics you know? And these mothers cant figure out why their kid is over weight and out of shape.. blame technology! and then blame yourself for...
  4. cannabisguru

    Anyone else looking forward to the Fall/Winter seasons?? I am!

    Whens the best time for tripping and walking in the woods?? In the winter?
  5. cannabisguru

    Anyone else looking forward to the Fall/Winter seasons?? I am!

    wow. that kid's got issues man. I'm just speechless... :| not the brightest crayon in the box eh? someone looks like they've been mentally neglected and is crying for the attention they never got when they were younger.. LOL. It's sad.. IMO. My generation.. we didn't have 'EMO' kids...
  6. cannabisguru

    Anyone else looking forward to the Fall/Winter seasons?? I am!

    yeah.. that's what I was talking about. It was crazy hot man. Crazzzzzy hot.
  7. cannabisguru

    Anyone else looking forward to the Fall/Winter seasons?? I am!

    ? yes? keep going... why stop there? heh.
  8. cannabisguru

    Anyone else looking forward to the Fall/Winter seasons?? I am!

    That's the kind of weather/season I like. Winter is my 2nd fav. season actually. Most people say its depressing.. but I find it relaxing. Everyone kind of 'hibernates' so to say.. and slow down with everything. They just slow down in general.. people also seem to be nicer and more...
  9. cannabisguru

    Anyone else looking forward to the Fall/Winter seasons?? I am!

    Ah! Your close to me.. really close. So, therefore you know what kind of Summer we just had. Heh, ridiculus temps! For 30 or 40+ days in a row.. They blame it on Global Warming.. which is nothing more than a bunch of Capitalists that are scaring certain percentages of the worlds...
  10. cannabisguru

    Anyone else looking forward to the Fall/Winter seasons?? I am!

    eh, summer. :| We just got through an all record setting summer here. We had like 30 or 40+ days of 110`F-115'F temperatures. Now, again.. that was the ACTUAL temp, not the 'heat index'. The heat index's reached 117 to 118`'F on certain days.. because of the humidity levels. It was a...
  11. cannabisguru

    Anyone else looking forward to the Fall/Winter seasons?? I am!

    hehehe.. nice buddy.. getting your grandaughter a 4wheeler. what size you going to get her?? How old is she? You looking for like a 50cc or so?
  12. cannabisguru

    Refrigerators Kill More People than Lions Every Year

    ROFL... nice post. :D
  13. cannabisguru

    Anyone else looking forward to the Fall/Winter seasons?? I am!

    whats your favorite season or seasons? Mine happen to be Fall/Winter and Spring.
  14. cannabisguru

    Powering room with a generator

    you could do it... but it would be very sketchy bro. not only that, but you would need to worry about neighbors being nosey too. also, if the power company 'red flags' your address... well, lets just say.. this is where it all begins. if the power company 'red flags' your address for high...
  15. cannabisguru

    how to get the word stranger off

    ummm... if you haven't noticed yet, peoples popularity changes over time... yours will change with time... just like everyone elses' changed and changes in other words, its not something you yourself can change.. or delete. It changes with time. peace.