Anyone else looking forward to the Fall/Winter seasons?? I am!


Well-Known Member
living in north texas, any day below 90 degrees is pretty sweet. i'll agree with your picks 100%.


Well-Known Member
Oh Yea!...I'm getting my 5 year old granddaughter a little four wheeler and me a new sled baby!...well, used, but new to us!
We have 18.5 acres and the kid up the road built a sweet track on my property this summer. They put in jumps, a whip de doo run, and a nice long run thru the woods to the lake.
Come on SNOW!!


Well-Known Member

nice buddy.. getting your grandaughter a 4wheeler.

what size you going to get her?? How old is she? You looking for like a 50cc or so?


Well-Known Member
I'm in spring atm yeeeeha can't wait for summer!
eh, summer. :|

We just got through an all record setting summer here. We had like 30 or 40+ days of 110`F-115'F temperatures. Now, again.. that was the ACTUAL temp, not the 'heat index'. The heat index's reached 117 to 118`'F on certain days.. because of the humidity levels. It was a fucking scorcher.. for sure. After the humidity left the area, we then had to deal with the extreme dry heat.. which can almost be as worse or bad as the moist heat.

I don't want to see summer again for a while.. ;)

your in Spring?! Where you from, if you don't mind me asking that is.


Well-Known Member
its finally nice out... cold, grey, and wet. if the wind picks up it'd be perfect.


Well-Known Member
I like winter cant stand this texas heat no more....
Ah! Your close to me.. really close. So, therefore you know what kind of Summer we just had. Heh, ridiculus temps! For 30 or 40+ days in a row..

They blame it on Global Warming.. which is nothing more than a bunch of Capitalists that are scaring certain percentages of the worlds population with the whole 'Global Warming' idea.

The world has cycles.. it does this every few hundred or thousands years or so.


Well-Known Member
its finally nice out... cold, grey, and wet. if the wind picks up it'd be perfect.
That's the kind of weather/season I like.

Winter is my 2nd fav. season actually. Most people say its depressing.. but I find it relaxing. Everyone kind of 'hibernates' so to say.. and slow down with everything. They just slow down in general.. people also seem to be nicer and more polite during the Fall/Winter seasons.

People don't realize how much of an effect that the seasons actually play in determining what kind of mood we're in. Play a huge role in fact.. ;)


Active Member
i know how yall texans feel im close to yall we set a record of 60+ days of 100 degree weather we almost had 53 in a row one time it was stupid.


Well-Known Member

nice buddy.. getting your grandaughter a 4wheeler.

what size you going to get her?? How old is she? You looking for like a 50cc or so?
yep...shes 5, the 50cc may even be to small.We're going to look at a couple this weekend...a guy has a whole barn full of used, and just barely used bikes , ATV's and sleds ( snowmoble ). He and his wife just got their I'm helping him get his grow set-up, giving him my old light, and trading him a few ozs for a few toys.:mrgreen: