Recent content by Chow13

  1. C

    Too much or not enough: nute advice please

    As long as ph going in is correct your good. PH out can change depending on a lot of variables and usually does not matter. Still a noob at visuals. But from what I can see back right has "the claw" leaf tips curling down which is a sign of to much nitrogen. back left is a hard one, But its...
  2. C

    Plants exploding, but, looks like calmag def???

    Well my tap water is .4 ec( 200 ppm on 500 scale) and when I run it through a zerowater filter it comes out as 0.0ppm/ec that is the whole concept of "Zero" water, Have you tried replacing the filter and get the same results? As for feed/water/water...not sure where I read that but it must of...
  3. C

    Plants exploding, but, looks like calmag def???

    Have you checked your runoff at all? It can help you determine if your over or under feeding. The runoff should be close to whats going in. Also check the PH in your runoff to make sure its still in range. Most feed charts are to much food and should be scaled back. Also are you feeding every...
  4. C

    Nitrogen deficiency or lockout? Need help! (With photos)

    2.5 ec seems high to me. usually I see grows max out at 1.5-2 but all grows are different and are based on environment. I have a low humidity so my plants transpire more and require a lower concentration of food because of that. Are you testing your runoff to see if your over or under feeding...
  5. C

    Tips curling up

    Sounds like you have your ph in check going in and I would not worry so much with the PH coming out since your in soil( very ph forgiving). My next thought would be either not enough food or to much food causing lockout. Leaning towards the lack of food. Do you have an EC/PPM pen to check your...
  6. C

    Tips curling up

    Those twisty fingers on the leaves can be from PH being out of range. which would lead to deficiency. How are you feeding and how much/often. I agree with a above the brown tips are potassium def.
  7. C

    My first hydro experience

    To me it looks like PH swings. How often do you test. When is the last time you have calibrated your PH meter? PH is everything with hydro. If it goes out of range for 1h you can have symptoms for a few days. I use 2 cheap pens and when they loose sync or I switch from veg to bloom I calibrate...
  8. C

    Does this look like K deficiency?

    From what I have read Soil ph should be 6.0-7.0 hydro/coco should be 5.5-6.5. Anything out of those ranges will usually cause issues.
  9. C

    Does this look like K deficiency?

    That clawing down with your leaf tips is defiantly nitrogen toxicity. Center plant has it the worst, could be overall toxicity since you said your PPM's were high. But if your PPM's keep climbing then you might need to reduce the amount of N in your feed.
  10. C

    Brown/purplish markings on seedling and transplants?

    Are you adjusting the PH of the water your giving?
  11. C

    4 weeks in flower - light interrupted - hermie help

    lol. You necro a post to bitch at someone that has been Last seen Aug 31, 2009. Thanks for the laugh. Needed that.
  12. C

    Cant identify the problem

    Are you watering until you have runoff? could have a salt buildup causing a lockout. Do you have a EC/PPM pen to test the runoff values?
  13. C

    Yall seeing male parts?

    Im not seeing any balls. Female parts will have a teardrop look with a white hair coming out. Males will look like a single grape hanging off a small stem with NO white hairs.
  14. C

    Win The Sin! 5 Pack of Anesia Seeds' Latest Feminised Strain Up For Grabs (up to 37% THC!)

    The Sin !!! It has to be a sin to have a THC content that high!!!
  15. C

    Manganese or calcium deficiency?

    My suggestion was for a "Synthetic" grow which does not require microbial activity in the soil for the plant to get the nutrients it needs. I have very little experience with organic grows and don't wanna mess your plant up. My buddies that grow organic say to never to a "Hard" flush like I...