Brown/purplish markings on seedling and transplants?

Always starts on one of of the first two leaves, once the 2nd set of leaves is emerging or sometimes even several healthy sets of leaves later it shows on first leaves. Then I think very slowly spreads in some cases. It always starts at the tips or outer part of the leaf and moves inwards and upwards. In the first pic if you zoom in can see it starting to spread to upper leaves so NOT an isolated event on one leaf dropping water or something.

Temp 23-26c. RH 50-70%.
Mars FC8000. Getting about 300-400 PPFD. Moved the light up and dimmed a bit more just in case.
RO water w/biobizz calmag with a syringe. Slightly irregular sometimes but never too wet.
Seedling in Van Egmond Seedling mix. Seeing it in various soils and mixes so not sure the soil is the problem here.
Lowered dehumidifier 5% just now. Now max will reach is 65% instead of 70%.
Increased air circulation with more speed on the fan blowing on them.


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Because of ppm?
I use ro water because my ppm is 800 i use cal mag with ro but only add 100 ppm thats with hydro at that stage of growth though

Bacteria. Its only been stripped with 1/2 of the cleaning processes. So tap water not drinkable in my country. Good for a shower.

For seedlings i could use regular bottled mineral or spring or whatever water instead, pretty cheap here but not realistic to scale for later on in the grow.
This is the mix i am transplanting into after 10-15 days. I have/can add 10-20% French bark nuggets if i want better drainage. Seems quite hot with 4 weeks of nutrients so prob plain water (w/ some calmag sometimes) until flowering and might delay the transplant until 3 weeks.

Why are you giving cal mag? That mix doesn’t need this at this stage.

It turns out my partner gave this the burnt seedling and a couple others 0.5ml root juice and 0.5ml bioheaven. So this is why a few are fucked and they are others are not. Very close to dialing this in overall after weeks of trials.

Will delay transplant until 20 days to avoid any burning.
Only feed pure water. No calmag until transplant.
No nutrients until flowering.
Biobizz instructions recommended using Calmag every watering with RO water.
Prob not needed until week 3-4 you saying?
Would you give plain RO instead?

I wouldn't give a seedling like that anything for at least the time it said on the soil. I bet your tap water is perfectly safe for plant use. Bacteria that will kill a human won't bother a plant. In the summer I water my Autos from an old water butt and my vegetables are planted in rotted cow shit. I personally wouldn't drink or eat either.
I wouldn't give a seedling like that anything for at least the time it said on the soil. I bet your tap water is perfectly safe for plant use. Bacteria that will kill a human won't bother a plant. In the summer I water my Autos from an old water butt and my vegetables are planted in rotted cow shit. I personally wouldn't drink or eat either.

Thanks, will run a test on a single plant and compare. Prob end up being my best lol
Other seedlings and plants generally doing well. Just seems like one seedling got burnt by accidental nutes and slight nute burn about a week or so after transplant on most as the roots grow into new soil i presume.
