Recent content by d platypus

  1. d platypus

    Shaking Grain Jars

    my life has just been completed, i have seen the skiing ostrich.
  2. d platypus

    Leaves turning yellow --------- help ------

    droopy leaves could be over watered.
  3. d platypus

    Avocado Seeds in Water

    one thing to try which works with soil is peel the brown skin off and take a thin slice of both ends. ive read that the odds are 1out of 4 sprout on average.
  4. d platypus

    I just Googled my User Name....

    the chink in the armor ahhh boo!
  5. d platypus

    Things You found Out on your own

    i can remember my mother in law asking if we had skunks around the house when i had my room exhausting strait outside. needless to say there is now a carbon filter.
  6. d platypus

    Just Chopped! (Pics)

    its a smokeable strain !
  7. d platypus

    Marijuana Secret Society

    and sweet hats, ya gotta have some sort of headgear
  8. d platypus

    Describe being high. . .

    Great! like a weight is lifted off your shoulders.
  9. d platypus

    I don't understand

    because misery loves company i guess
  10. d platypus

    better to scout for guerrial grow in winter or spring?

    i look for spots off the side off the road then have a friend drop me off while i scout. near water and south facing on the edges of small clearings.
  11. d platypus

    Where is the best LEGIT place to buy seeds????please help!

    i used amsterdam seed co. without doing any research. seeds were here in a week, they also tossed in a free 10 pack not sure what they are, i have a few going with ?1 and ?2 on their tags. next time i buy seeds i will probably try a different bank thinking about attiude.