Describe being high. . .


Active Member
So, If you were to describe the sensation of being high to someone who had never smoked before--how would you do it? I think it feels a bit like viewing the world from inside a balloon. . .sort of


Well-Known Member
I can't remeber whats it like to not be
It would be to hard to explain for many variations. They could just observe me for a day or two I guess.


Ursus marijanus
Once, for a friend, i described it this way.

If being drunk is B&W, then being high is the same thing in color. cn


Well-Known Member
I havnt been not high in a long long time, but i'm gonna say im usually pretty hungry and relaxed. sometimes my eyes get real heavy. I sleep real good. The couch seems more comfortable and for some reason i can sit on the computer for like 112 hours on end


Well-Known Member
well it depends on strain. my favorite part about smoking danks is that tingly feeling in your jaw/head. i usually only get it with higher quality stuff though. idk how to explain it... just floaty i guess lol


Active Member
my short term memory is affected for sure and my thought process can get rather circuitous which, I think is both good and bad---If everyone else I am around is stoned then talking in circles is pretty funny--but if I am among the un-stoned I get paranoid--but mostly being stoned is a combination of the three H's Hungry, Horny and Happy--lol

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
:) So what's it like not being high?
its like the only way to deal with all the b.s. that life throws at ya. i really do get buzzed on good weed but not like years gone 56 yrs old and started smoking at 13 so i have a very high tolerance. smoking a bowl of blue cheeze atm...first bowl is the best right? peace